If you BC'ed yourself, how did you do it?


Well-Known Member
Still on the hunt for a salon/barber in DFW that can do my BC for me today, but tempted to just whip out the scissors and do it myself lol. For those of you who self BCed how did you do it? Wet hair? Dry hair? How did you do the back? I need help like yesterday so please, please post! Thanks in advance!
I just did this, and I would suggest you do it if you trust that you are good with scissors and your hair.

I liked how my hair came out. Had to cut it from a bad salon heat damage visit.

I wet my hair, put in conditioner so my natural hair would really curl up and then started snipping. I was still finding straight ends for a few weeks though
My natural hair is extremely curly. I just cut a little bit above the straight hair and a litle of the curl.
I wet my hair, put in conditioner so my natural hair would really curl up and then started snipping. I was still finding straight ends for a few weeks though

This is how I did mine. I think my hair was still in shock (or at least I was) when I was done, because it looked really odd when I was first finished. I had to walk away from the mirror for about 30 min to collect myself, and then I reevaluated after that. Remember to use new (or sharpened) scissors!
i DC'ed over night and in the morning cut off the relaxed ends by feeling for the line of demarcation. if i couldn't quite tell where it was (in some spots in the back) i cut a little before where i thought it was so i wouldn't cut any of the new growth. when i was done i washed out the conditioner and rocked my twa.