if y'all wanna see what my hair used to look like

yeah. it's hard looking back. TRUST ME I KNOOOOOWW! but ur not that far away. just keep looking forward and know that u'll be back there soon. stick too your reggie girl!!! U STILL LOOK GOOD!
wow, 107 people looked and only 1 reply lol, thats not nice ppl......i bet your hair can grow even longer than what you want to go back to,, no offense:grin:, but you probably had breakage back then even.. spend some time on here and youll be bra strap length in a year..... i had to comment because my heart flipped for a second,,, in one pic where youre i think 9 mths pregnant in the peach dress, you soo remind me of my mother in photos from the early 80s where shed be holding me in her lap.... HAPPY HAIR GROWING!!
trust me i know the feeling. I went through most of my early childhood with wl or mbl hair and now it's slowing creeping on apl :ohwell:
But with being on lhcf, i'm sure you'll get ur old skool hair and then some back again.