If what I'm doing works for me.... (VENT)


Living and loving life
...then why do you have a problem with it?

I just need to vent about some conversations I had with my sister this weekend.
This past Sat. morning I was in the mirror flat ironing my hair before going out. My older sister comes in the bathroom and sees what I'm doing and proceeds to tell me that I need to trim my ends.

Me: No, I don't I just trimmed off two inches a month and half ago. Besides I airdried the last time I washed so my ends just look frizzy.
Her: You really need to cut them. Go to a stylist that's what they get paid for.
Me: They don't know how to trim. They cut like an inch at a time.
Her: Yeah, but I don't mind that. I like my hair short.

I then proceeded to ignore her.

Her: (picking up my Redken Heat Glide) What's this stuff?
Me: It's heat protectant
Her: *sarcastically* You would buy that.
Me: I don't want to fry my hair.
Her: I fry mine everyday.
Me: saying nothing but thinking "Yeah, that's why your hair is so short.") I'm trying to grow my hair down my back.
Her: If you had that kind of hair then it would grow like that.
Me: (thinking "That kind of hair?!”) But my hair is already to the top of my shoulders. Pull a strand. She pulls, acknowledges the growth but keeps thinking that I'm crazy.
She left the room and after I was finished I showed her my curls and asked if my ends looked better and she said yes.

Fast forward a few hours and we're in the car.
Her: (to our younger sister) She really needs to cut her ends.
Me: My ends are fine.
Her: You should cut them every 8 weeks. That's what I do.
Me: So, let's say I grow an inch in 8 weeks and I get a "trim" every 8 weeks I'll have no growth.
Her: But all of your hair will be healthy.
We went back and forth until my nephew said we were too loud. LOL.

The next day after I relaxed I showed her how my hair looked and how soft it was.
Me: (proudly) See how soft my hair feels.
Her: Yeah. I'm surprised at how soft it is.
Me: (thinking, why is she surprised?)

I've come to the conclusion that my older sister wants me to spend all of my money at the beautician and do what they think is best as opposed to what I know my hair likes. She thinks that my younger sister and I have that "funny kind" of hair, whatever that means. My younger sister thinks I'm crazy as well but she does listen to my hair suggestions. The proof is in the pudding as they say. My older sister will see when we have longer hair and she's left with her neck length do. Hmph. I'm glad to get that out.
Keep doing what you're doing and don't pay her any mind.

I got the same thing from my sister until she saw how much my hair was growing.

Some people just have to "see it to believe it". You'll show her when your hair's down your back! :)
you know a lot of women think that going to the hairdresser is the answer to healthy hair. I told one woman that hairdressers are trained to STYLE the hair, not CARE for it. Some hairdressers are great at taking care of hair AND providing a great style, but I don't think that the bulk of hairdressers know how to take care of hair. Whenever I went to a hairdresser regularly my hair would start breaking off. Girl you do what you do! I have a friend who talks like your sister. She's going to be salty when my hair hits waist length
even though they're family....ignore them.:-) keep doing what you doing and let them do what they do. it's wasted energy to try and explain stuff to people that don't want it explained to them. you will have your long hair in no time.
Sisters! They always have something to say! :laugh:

My sister is the same way. She thinks you have to go to a stylist all of the time to keep your hair healthy. Her hair is beautiful, but she likes to keep it a little below shoulder length so she doesn't mind the hot irons and getting ends clipped all of the time. I want my hair to be healthy and to get as long as it will possibly grow, so I like to take care of my own hair in addition to going to the stylist sometimes.

I was finally able to view your album today and your hair is definitely growing a lot, so you're definitely taking good care of it! :) Sometimes you just gotta ignore your siblings, like I said they always got something to say. :laugh:
bellydancer said:
you know a lot of women think that going to the hairdresser is the answer to healthy hair. I told one woman that hairdressers are trained to STYLE the hair, not CARE for it. Some hairdressers are great at taking care of hair AND providing a great style, but I don't think that the bulk of hairdressers know how to take care of hair. Whenever I went to a hairdresser regularly my hair would start breaking off. Girl you do what you do! I have a friend who talks like your sister. She's going to be salty when my hair hits waist length

Excellent point!:)
i get this alllllllll the damn time :lol: esp when i do wash n goes. they ask me how i get my hair like this and as soon as i mention the word "water" or "wash" they act like they're about to faint and then proceed to tell me how i shouldnt do that because its damaging blah blah blah :lol:. im tired of explaining.
Yeah.Definitely ignore her.Same thing happened to me.And you can bet your life when your hair starts getting longer the same people will come to you for hair advice.
Please ignore your sisters. Your hair is beautiful and it speaks for itself. There have been so many times when family members or co-workers have talked about my hair, but I found that they were just jealous.

When my hair got long, everybody started begging me for tips!
There may be some jealousy but at least she doesn't sound like a hater. Looking at her questions and comments, I feel she is testing you and trying to get information from you about hair growing and health by telling you what you're doing is wrong, instead of just asking you for hair tips.

Your hair is beautiful so you know you're doing something right!
Stop explaining and just ignore her. The proof is in every inch of healthy hair you retain.

If your hair likes it, don't worry about what others think. They will be sweating you in the end for hair tips!!
I know she has my best unterests at heart but sometimes I think she's a little misguided at times. Since she's my older sister I want her approval on a lot of things I do. I just have to learn to let whatever she says go in one ear and out the other. :lol: