If this is you, prepare for Beatdown 2006...


New Member
So I was surfing youtube.com looking for the "Good or Bad Hair" song from School Daze (I love that movie, and most of Spike's movies), and I stumbled onto this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7g79DcKJc&search=black%20hair

All I can really say is that if the girl in this video is on LHCF I don't care HOW helpful you have been or HOW beautiful your hair is, I am personally on my way to your house to beat your *ss!! :mad: Who can be be comfortable with being complicit in this type of ignorance. Honestly words fail me.

I'm sorry to bring negativity to this overwhelmingly positive board, I'm beginning to love some of your ladies like sisters and I have NEVER been in a more supportive or encouraging community, but the ridiculousnes of this video just overwhelmed me...
All I could her someone saying was something like "A black girl with hella long hair. That's some crap. It's all hers." Something like that.:perplexed
She keeps telling the black girl to turn around and she finally just grabs her ponytail and is like. "This black girl here has hella ass long black hair huh? A long haired ass black girl, ain't that some crap?" Now I know, if that was me, the backhanded pimp slap would have come down so hard on that girl that her head would spin. Am I just being too sensitive???
This is nothing new. People think it all the time. (Some) just don't say it out loud and post it on a website.
SohoHair said:
So I was surfing youtube.com looking for the "Good or Bad Hair" song from School Daze (I love that movie, and most of Spike's movies), and I stumbled onto this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7g79DcKJc&search=black%20hair

All I can really say is that if the girl in this video is on LHCF I don't care HOW helpful you have been or HOW beautiful your hair is, I am personally on my way to your house to beat your *ss!! :mad: Who can be be comfortable with being complicit in this type of ignorance. Honestly words fail me.

I'm sorry to bring negativity to this overwhelmingly positive board, I'm beginning to love some of your ladies like sisters and I have NEVER been in a more supportive or encouraging community, but the ridiculousnes of this video just overwhelmed me...
If you had beef with this video then you should have PM her. The video is illegible. Yeah :yay: another failed attempt to create some sista on sista drama on this board.
My problem is not with the girl videotaping, I've heard wilder things in my day, but it's with the girl just sitting there and taking it, I mean really, why would you do that? If that's not the perfect time to shut someone up and put them in their place, I don't really know what is... in the end all she was doing was perpetuating this other girls ignorance by being complicit. Doing nothing is a choice you make, and it's a choice that reflects as much about you as if you actually chose to act, at least that's how I feel.
Daggonit...I have dsl and I can't get the video to come up....it's loading like I have dial up or something :ohwell:
actually I dont see what the beef is. Let's turn our attention onto something positive like supporting each other in our own hair growth!:D :)
She probably didn't turn around or say too much cuz she didn't want her voice and face taped and put on the internet by that silly girl. Many LHCF ladies would have ignored her too, what was she supposed to do? Talking and explaining to that girl would have been a waste of breath and time. If it is a LHCF lady, her pony was pretty.;)
This video is probably a clip, so we'll never know what happened after she said what she did.

Also, they might have been close friends cuz if one of my friends did that to me it wouldn't bother me.