If the relaxer didn't straighten...


New Member
If the relaxer didn\'t straighten...

can it damaging to your new growth? I'm anxious to try to relax again, trying something new. I recently used Motions lye, after trying my normal no-lye (which somehow didn't straighten the thick new growth)and that didn't straigthen either! I'm at my wit's end, trying to figure out what will straighten my hair! It's so much thicker and more resistant to relaxers now. I can't walk around here looking like a wildebeast--what should I do? Not even blow drying gets it straight, yes, I even resorted to that! I know I just tried to relax about three weeks ago, but can I try again, pretty please??? Don't say I should wait, it's just not...pretty. *sad look*
Re: If the relaxer didn\'t straighten...

Perhaps a strand test is needed to determine the strength needed, the timing, and whether your hair can withstand further relaxing. That's what I would do if I were concerned about doing it too soon.
Re: If the relaxer didn\'t straighten...

Curly, I hadn't thought of that. Do you think that this would be a good indication of whether or not my hair would fall out if I relaxed so soon? I'm afraid...I don't know what the signs are if your hair will just start falling out from being relaxed too soon? Can this even happen?? I appreciate your thoughts!
Re: If the relaxer didn\'t straighten...

If you do a strand test on several strands on different parts of your head and it appears to be Ok after relaxing again, it should be a good indication of how the rest of your hair will react to a repeat application. Just make sure you keep up with the conditioning (moisturizing and protein), plus some hot oil treatments too.

Yes, your hair can break off due to overprocessing from a relaxer or any chemical.

After I went natural 3 years ago, my hair became more resistant to relaxers too, so I know what you're going through. It's really a good thing, in my opinion because I don't like to relax my hair bone straight anyway.