If Phytorelaxer is 100% chemical free...


New Member
How come they do not recommend on hair that has a curly perm?
On relaxed hair, they recommend to put it on the new growth but nothing for the curly perm... I'm kinda confused here.
I thought that the very reason why curly perms and relaxers don't mix is because of the huge difference in chemicals.
But in this case, Phytorelaxer garantees to have 100% chemical free products (granted that they are processed to exctart the very active ingredient, but still)....
Am I cursed with my Scurl?:confused:
I sent an email to the company yesterday but if any chemist/specialist/cosmetologist (or any "-ist" related to the case) and my beloved sisters from LHCF can give me some input I'd be glad.

Have a mice day.
It's not chemical free. It just uses a different chemical to get the same reaction. Not sure exactly what Guanidine Carbonate is, but anything that permanently changes the texture of your hair involves a chemical reaction.
myco said:
It's not chemical free. It just uses a different chemical to get the same reaction. Not sure exactly what Guanidine Carbonate is, but anything that permanently changes the texture of your hair involves a chemical reaction.

that's what i was gonna say, it's not chemical free. guanadine is an activator used in no lye relaxers.
Kay thank you, myco.
I think I'm about to go and strangle the stylist who convinced me to get a curly perm for volume and moisture. I honestly can't put anything else on it and I am very VERY pissed right now.:mad: