If Paul Wrote a Letter to Your Church, what would it say?


A True Soldier Never Dies
One thing I love about the Bible is that it is VERY critical of its own people. The Old Testament reveals over and over again how the Israelites turned away from God. In the New Testament, Paul, through God's inspiration, airs out the dirty laundry of many churches.

Based on all this, what are some of the praises and what are some of the criticisms Paul would write about your church? Honesty is key.
In all honesty his letters would apply to my church w/o him having to amend much but that's not as bad as it may sound initially. The reason I say that is b/c within any church that is thriving and growing you have different levels of spritual maturity. Since by it's very nature a church is and should be a hospital for sick souls the moment one group is healed and sent out to compel others another sick group arrives in desparate need of help. It's a circle. Some of the original healed will suffer relapses (see parable of sower in Matt 13:1-23) and come back in for additional treatment etc. The circle of life goes on and on:spinning: as it should and will until Jesus' 2nd coming (parable of wheat and tares- Matt 13:24-30) . Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us there is nothing new under the sun and it's oh so true. There are only new players but the game is the same. Therefore, his letters would be as they currently are. It would seem futile but we know how the human story ends (Rev 20 and 21). ;)