Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member

Heavenly Father,

We are seeing many things take place in this nation and around the world, that have many living in fear. I believe your Word and know that your Word is truth and life to all who hear and abide in it. There is no doubt that Jesus will be returning soon and I know that these things must come to pass.

Father, I pray for salvation for those who don't know you and I thank you for those whose hearts you have touched; those who go throughout the nations and the world, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and leading many, many people to salvation. We need you, Jesus!

I pray for Japan, Hawaii, the West Coast of the United States and every other area that is affected. This they are saying is the largest earthquake the world has ever seen. I pray for the people, Lord...help the people. I pray that the death tolls are minimal and I pray that you will cease any more tsunami's that may arise out of this situation. I also pray for any person on LHCF who is affected by these circumstances that have taken place.

Help us here in LHCF to put aside any differences and come together to pray and seek your face. When two or more come together in Jesus name, You Lord, are in the midst of them.

My heart is heavy...but, I do have joy. I thank you for the joy that you give to me and I know that you will continue to do what you have started in me, here and throughout this nation.

In Jesus name, Amen.


When you hear of wars and rumors of wars and commotion's do not be terrified; all things must come to pass but the end is not yet.
Nation will rise against nation,
Kingdom against kingdom,
There will be pestilence's,
Fearful sights.
Great signs from heaven.
These are the beginnings of sorrows (birth pangs)

Before all these things,
Watch out for yourselves! They will lay hands on you,
They will deliver you up to tribulation,
Persecute you
Kill you.
They will deliver you up to synagogues, councils and prisons.
You will be beaten in synagogues.
You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name's sake for a testimony against them.

When arrested do not worry what you will speak. Do not plan your defense. I will give you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries cannot withstand. It is not you but the Holy Spirit who will speak.
You will be betrayed by parents, relatives and friends!
Brother will betray brother to death.
Father will betray child to death.
Children will rise up against parents causing them to be put to death.
They will send some of you to your death.
You will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.
Then many will be offended, betray one another and will hate one another.
But not a hair of your head shall be lost!

He who endures to the end shall be saved. In your patience possess your souls.

Then many false prophets will rise up to deceive many. Lawlessness will abound. The love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all the world as a witness to all nations, then the end will come.

God gave you a 'vision' several months ago with a burning in your heart to pray for countries for you were able to 'see' the upcoming disasters.

Each day you chose a country to pray for. And as I sit here, I can attest that you were on point for not even a month had passed when there was an earthquake in Chile, and there were other disruptions in the earth in other areas which followed.

Each time I hear of a 'Natural Disaster' I think of the Word that God gave you to forsee the need for prayer.

The sad thing is that these disasters are harming the innocent and those who have not given their hearts over to Jesus.

I take full heed to your posts for they are not from your 'flesh', they are from the heart of God crying for prayers for the deliverance of those who don't know Him.
Nice & Wavy, I prayed this prayer out loud. God is still in control and my faith in Him is not shaken. I too pray that perhaps some people will turn to God and seek His face (note, I am NOT saying that this is a punishment on a particular race or country, simply stating that sometimes tragedies can cause people to seek to establish a relationship with God).
Amen sis.

Abba, I pray that You awake those of Your children who are slumbering instead of walking and working in Your light. drive out any spirit of fear that have been hindering some of us from reaching out to others who are near and spirit of unbelief and suspicion that would cause us not to assist those who would go and help in places where we can't go. Protect and anoint afresh Your servants who are even now preparing to go and help those in Japan. Lord be glorified, be glorified. In Jesus name. Amen
Sis, I'm so blessed that you remembered that. Although I was not on the forum, I continued to pray and the Holy Spirit continued to give me visions about certain countries. I'm in awe of God.

Thank you, sis...love you. :love2:

God gave you a 'vision' several months ago with a burning in your heart to pray for countries for you were able to 'see' the upcoming disasters.

Each day you chose a country to pray for. And as I sit here, I can attest that you were on point for not even a month had passed when there was an earthquake in Chile, and there were other disruptions in the earth in other areas which followed.

Each time I hear of a 'Natural Disaster' I think of the Word that God gave you to forsee the need for prayer.

The sad thing is that these disasters are harming the innocent and those who have not given their hearts over to Jesus.

I take full heed to your posts for they are not from your 'flesh', they are from the heart of God crying for prayers for the deliverance of those who don't know Him.
Sashaa...thank you for being in agreement with my prayer. The Lord sees and knows your heart...you are precious in His sight!


Nice & Wavy, I prayed this prayer out loud. God is still in control and my faith in Him is not shaken. I too pray that perhaps some people will turn to God and seek His face (note, I am NOT saying that this is a punishment on a particular race or country, simply stating that sometimes tragedies can cause people to seek to establish a relationship with God).
Amen sister! wow, AMEN!!!!!!!
Amen! :love3:

God is in control and He still sits on the throne.
Yes He is and yes He does! :love3:

Amen sis.

Abba, I pray that You awake those of Your children who are slumbering instead of walking and working in Your light. drive out any spirit of fear that have been hindering some of us from reaching out to others who are near and spirit of unbelief and suspicion that would cause us not to assist those who would go and help in places where we can't go. Protect and anoint afresh Your servants who are even now preparing to go and help those in Japan. Lord be glorified, be glorified. In Jesus name. Amen
Praise the Lord, sis! I'm in total agreement with this prayer....glory! :love3:
Sis, I'm so blessed that you remembered that. Although I was not on the forum, I continued to pray and the Holy Spirit continued to give me visions about certain countries. I'm in awe of God.

Thank you, sis...love you. :love2:

I love you too, Precious Wavy... and handsome hubbie Pastor 'A'.

God uses you both so mightily and without hesitation nor repentance.

Always... :love3:
A side note, earth's largest quake on record:

1960 May 22 19:11:14 UTC
Magnitude 9.5

There was a 9.2 quake on Good Friday in Alaska in 1964.

They are no comparison to the worldwide quake to come, as written in Revelations 16. Half of the earth's population would be gone by then:

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.