Well-Known Member
Me and my ex, of what would have been two years in March, recently came to an end. It made perfect sense to leave. I no longer felt appreciated, I felt disrespected, and I genuinely believed our season came to an end a long time ago, and to continue committing myself to him would be cognizantly walking outside of God's will for my life. My parents grew to disapprove of him, and all of my loved ones rest assured that he wasn't "the one." So, after several attempts, I changed my number, cut off all ties, and put my trust in God that although I had no idea what lied ahead of me, and although I was afraid and actually felt safe and comfortable in my last relationship, I'd rather be in submission to His will, than my own. I'm relieved that I'm actually going through ith this, but ladies it hurts so bad. It's a feeling I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy I can't wait until I triumph over this, ...I really can't wait.