If I wanted to get my hair like this what would I do?


Well-Known Member
How would I get this folks?



Is it flat-iron or curled with a curling iron or is it a rollerset, or what? FYI: My rollersets and curls never come out looking like that so I would need to be provided with complete instructions. lol. I'm sure the stylist can do it, but I want to do it myself. Thanks!
She's pretty (no homo)and her hair's pretty...and something I'd wear too.:yep:

I'm pretty adept with a flat iron so I can get this look with just that.
Only thing you really need is a flat iron and heat protectant (I use chi silk).

I don't use curling irons.

You can get this look with a rollerset or actually all three i'd think.
Now I've never done rollersets but my homegirls get some pretty nice results with them. I've never paid attention though to be able to explain their steps to you.
I just see them sitting under the dryer with a head full of rollers.
I think a silk wrap would definitely get your hair like that....silky straight but with body and bend. Check my 2008 folder in my album for instructions.