If at first you don't succeed... (APL to NL... SIGH)

Well, you will get back in the right direction and by next year you will be in APL or longer. You are helping me because I was still harping over a major trim but now I definitely believe that starting fresh is the right thing to do. You will feel down for a bit but after growth you will not care.
Your new bob cut is simply beautiful A4T. Your hair will be back long and thick in no time, just protect those lovely ends as much as possible.
Well, you will get back in the right direction and by next year you will be in APL or longer. You are helping me because I was still harping over a major trim but now I definitely believe that starting fresh is the right thing to do. You will feel down for a bit but after growth you will not care.

You are so right about the bolded.... I just wrapped my hair and almost cried... a new start.... a new start.
i would kill for the thickness in your 1st picture. and i'm about to be in the same boat. just had a fairly major setback myself this weekend, and i know i'll eventually have to cut up to shoulder length :(

your cut looks fierce! & you'll be back to APL in no time :yep:
very good inspiration to go ahead and hack off unsightly uneven ends :yep: (even though IMO your ends were perfectly fine!!)