If A Guy Gives You His Number


Well-Known Member
So I was in Walmart this past weekend and I'm grabbing some paper towels. Out the corner of my eye I see this tall like 6ft brown skinned brother dressed nicely and I said to myself man he looks good. I continue shopping and go into the next isle. Then I see him and he stops me and says Hi. I looked up at him and I realized we kinda grew up together. He lived next door to my Granny and cousin's house where I used to visit often when I was younger. My cousins and I used to play with his sisters. My male cousins and him would play football.

We greeted then I went on and continued shopping. I moved to some other isles looking for dental floss. A few minutes later he also happens to come in the isle looking for floss. Then we began talking again. Basically he's telling me about his sisters and how they are doing well and his family etc. He still talks to one of my male cousins from time to time. I recall him being either my age or a year older. I fill him in about my life as well. He tells me he has a 10 year old daughter and he's pretty active with her. He said he's pretty much works all the time as a corrections officer and is working on trying to buy real-estate. He asked me if I had any kids, I said no. So after about 15 minutes he saids yeah, I'm headed home since I have to work a long shift tomorrow. So let me give you my number, maybe we can talk or hang out or something.

I'll just say that I find him attractive, I always thought he was good looking even when we were kids. I remember him being into sports and kind of a conceited jock. However I don't remember him being this tall guess he had a growth spurt at some point. I just wonder if he is really interested in me or this this a normal occurrence. I'm used to men asking me for my number and quite frankly I prefer it that way. I like men who are direct. I took his number and once I finished shopping I texted him to let him know that this was my number. He said gotcha, it was good seeing you. Have you all called guys who offered their numbers or do you just disregard them?
Yes. I met this tall, handsome guy at a concert and he gave me his business card and told me to call him sometime. I called him a month later, lol. During said phone call he invited me to lunch at a very nice restaurant. I accepted. We were inseparable after that. He's my husband now. :yep:
Did he fuss at you for not calling sooner? What did you say after a month?
Great story Ms. Naturalcurl82.

I prefer for a man to ask me out, call me, contact me first because then I can control the situation better. The times when I have called a man it never ends well and maybe it is because I have called way too soon. But I don't plan on ever calling a man first, I can encourage him towards the direction of calling me.

Allmond Eyes
Yes. I met this tall, handsome guy at a concert and he gave me his business card and told me to call him sometime. I called him a month later, lol. During said phone call he invited me to lunch at a very nice restaurant. I accepted. We were inseparable after that. He's my husband now. :yep:

I think the KEY to this is that you called a month later. I see you @Godsdaughter001 ;).
If someone trys to give me their number, I always tell them I don't have my phone...but I kinda like the idea of being the one to call first...esp a month later.
Yes. I met this tall, handsome guy at a concert and he gave me his business card and told me to call him sometime. I called him a month later, lol. During said phone call he invited me to lunch at a very nice restaurant. I accepted. We were inseparable after that. He's my husband now. :yep:
This is too cute.

Me and my husband met and exchanged numbers in the club. Well I called him...that same night...while we were still in the club. When he answered the phone I was like "Look up." He looked up directly at me and I waved and laughed. I was pretty tipsy so that's my excuse. He still laughs at me today because he said when he saw me giggling and laughing at him from across the club he knew we'd be together. He's goofy like that too.
It doesnt sound to me like he was tryna mack at all. Just good to see an 'old friend'. Doesnt mean that thgs cant develop into somethg more tho. What would u like to come out of this?

Could u continue on just being cool w him, havg random chats by phone to stay in touch...see where it goes? Or r u interested in thgs takg off strong from the gate?

I would call. Or ask your male cousin whats up since they still talk
I don't think there's anything wrong with calling a guy. On their end I think sometimes fear of rejection has them erring on the side of caution & waiting for that first call is their way of knowing you're interested so they don't get their ego crushed; on the flip side I also believe that a man should be bold enough to approach a woman without tricks & efforts to save face, but we're all humans with feelings that can get hurt so I'll digress.

Personally, I like the idea of calling initially at my leisure since my schedule is crazy at times; its just easier (& safer) than giving someone a full run down of my day. I will say that shooting the first phone call does not mean I'm pursuing him & if he doesn't pick up the momentum and show interest I will drop the ball.
I always, always prefer to be given their number. I am very private and don't like to give my number to just anyone. Prior to me calling them, I will reflect on our exchange during our first meeting. If there is something that I feel is off from our first meeting, I will not be calling, ever. When and if I do call, I will leave it to them to initiate anything any further i.e a date, future calls. If I don't hear from them afterwards (which usually doesn't happen), oh well. I actually thought it was common place to accept the phone number. My logic is, "If I am interested I'll call."
I always, always prefer to be given their number. I am very private and don't like to give my number to just anyone. Prior to me calling them, I will reflect on our exchange during our first meeting. If there is something that I feel is off from our first meeting, I will not be calling, ever. When and if I do call, I will leave it to them to initiate anything any further i.e a date, future calls. If I don't hear from them afterwards (which usually doesn't happen), oh well. I actually thought it was common place to accept the phone number. My logic is, "If I am interested I'll call."
I think some guys are concerned about women feeling safe so they will give their number first. I wouldn't rule a guy out for this, after all he did approach you respectfully and initiate conversation.
Another thing is that if he has a business card, why shouldn't he give it out. It's such a waste to not use them, lol.