Idk if yall have seen this video but it's scary

I think she got a bad batch TBH. Her results are totally the opposite of mine. Plus she did not follow the directions. I followed the directions to the T. You cannot, not follow directions and expect optimum results. also, she seems as if she might be allergic to something in her treatment. Which would explain her bodily reaction. But everyone knows, what one person is allergic to, there's 10 people that aren't allergic. Also, it depends on WHO you buy from and WHAT kind of BKT you buy. Many BKT ladies can account for the fact that one BKT brand isn't like another. I personally used QOD Gold and had optimum results. Which I documented here on LCHF.
I think she got a bad batch TBH. Her results are totally the opposite of mine. Plus she did not follow the directions. I followed the directions to the T. You cannot, not follow directions and expect optimum results. also, she seems as if she might be allergic to something in her treatment. Which would explain her bodily reaction. But everyone knows, what one person is allergic to, there's 10 people that aren't allergic. Also, it depends on WHO you buy from and WHAT kind of BKT you buy. Many BKT ladies can account for the fact that one BKT brand isn't like another. I personally used QOD Gold and had optimum results. Which I documented here on LCHF.

So you think it was because she washed it out too early? Yeah an allergic reaction does make a lot of sense.
We have many many threads about BKT here. Some people have had zero problems while others didn't have problems until months after receiving BKT.

She did a nice job on the video considering she explained her steps and why she did them that way. She didn't seem to imply that she didn't like the results so much as the issues from the active chemical in BKTs.
I have heard reports of Formaldahyde (sp?) Being in BKT. I been exposed to that stuff before and its not safe.

The trailers they put the people from Hurricane Katrina had that chemical in it and people died from that exposure.

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Its a great video, but its already been posted in a thread I think.
If you can find thread, theres even more comments and information there
that could be helpful to you
Wow! I didn't know that about BKT. Not only is this treatment expensive (to me), after watching this video, I will never consider getting this done to my hair.
Thanks for sharing this vid, OP!
Like relaxers, some ppl get great results, some have nightmare results...its just a risk we take when trying a new method of acheiving 'the look' we desire.
However I appreciate vids like this, because even if this womans experience isn't the norm, atleast those who are considering the BKT see the pros/cons & can make an informed decision!
I saw that video a few days ago. She didn't follow directions exactly which might have been the issue. I still wouldn't do it though.
some people have a higher tolerance for chemicals. I BKt'ed my hair 4 times and will never do it again. I didn't get the benefits many other women enjoyed and it was a hassle, plus i have sensitive skin and scalp. I basically quit while i was ahead.

I had a bad reaction to relaxers too... so i cant handle those "treatments".
I did it twice and looooooved the results (also did it for a friend for her bday). But since researching more, I have pretty much decided to back away from it. The dangers are so serious, it's scary. And the manufacturers have not proven to have any integrity and constantly lie about the content, so that pretty much is sealing it for me. Still researching and looking for safer alternatives.