Ideas for picnic


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! I don't usually post here but I'm hoping youcan provide some ideas for me. DH & I have been having date night once a month for the last 4 yrs. Usually its dinner & a movie or just dinner. But I've been trying to think of different things. And I've always wanted to have a picnic- like an early evening picnic.

So I told DH to work on the location and I'm gonna take care of the menu & other details.


I don't know what I should pack/bring. I want this to be "romantic" lol so what foods are considered appropriate? I'm thinking cheese & strawberries & grapes maybe. But I'm wondering if berries are still in season. I have a slow jams playlist on my iPod so music is taken care of.

I guess I really need help on the menu to set the tone.


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Wine...definitely! Maybe chicken salad or pasta salad, chips, sandwiches or chicken! I really do not think you should be TOO concerned with the menu; I know he will appreciate the gesture : )! Good luck.......
And maybe as dessert, bite size truffles... Or a slice of cake that you too can share :-)

And with your slow jams, you can both stand up and dance next to the picnic cloth :love:
Ooh, and you could bring a flameless candle! And an extra blanket in case one of you (or both, even better) gets cold.

I love picnics. Have fun!

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You could always get something to go from a restaurant, bring a bottle of wine, and dessert.