I'd Like to DC with Heat : Recommendations


New Member
I'd like to DC with heat or use steam.

Unfortunately, I'z a poor college student... in between regular jobs. I bought the Gold N Hot Heating cap but I wasn't impressed with it. It didn't get hot enough. I have been ignoring the idea of buying a hooded dryer because I would never use it but to DC and it's loud and hard to get in a comfy position under... and a soft bonnet keeps flying off my head. :perplexed

What should I use?
And when I have money what should I get?
I've heard that some put a damp towel in the microwave to heat it up and put that on their head. I do this sometimes but I don't warm up the towel. I just drape the towel and let the conditioner sit longer. I only use my heating cap in the winter. HTH. Hopefully others will have some ideas for you.

ETA: since its hot here, I just use my body heat.
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I suggest a Mastex heating cap,the best one on the market.
This heating cap get really hot and last a long time,plus you can plug it into outlet while you study or on computer.
The price is usually around 20-25 bucks and a good investment.
I bought a soft bonnet dryer from walmart, and it was pretty cheap. BRB let me see if I can find the price.

ETA: Cant find it but I think it was around $20 and on sale. I know they have them check walmart.
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I suggest a Mastex heating cap,the best one on the market.
This heating cap get really hot and last a long time,plus you can plug it into outlet while you study or on computer.
The price is usually around 20-25 bucks and a good investment.

I have this too and love it! I use it during each wash to deep condition. Well worth the investment. I think I bought mine on ebay.