
Well-Known Member
So, we have this charity thing happening at my work in February. We are raising many for people with disabilities in South America.
Do get people motivated to donate or to fundraise, various people at my work are doing some crazy things like shaving their heads, getting their hair colored a funky color, piecings etc.

SOOOOO, I was asked to consider shaving my hair off for $10,000:perplexed Well, jokingly I said yes, because from previous experience, I knew we wouldnt get that much.

So then, someone decided to be more realistic and asked me if I could color my hair BLONDE for $5000:look:

:lachen::lol::grin::blush::nono: No way absolutely NOT. Does anyone know how much color it would take to turn black hair into blonde?!!

I have been trying to convince me, now some people are saying I shoud atleast get my ends colored blonde......ummm. no, my ends are the most fragile!:perplexed

So then I said, I would rather shave off my eyebrows than mess with my hair....Atleast I can fill in my brows, I cant fill in my hurr!!!

well now I have got myself into trouble because I may have to shave my brows off:perplexed They do grow back right? I dont wanna be walking around looking like a fish!

Well, all that to say...does anyone have any ideas of what I can do that will motivate people to donate!!! Coloring blonde or shaving my hair is out of the question.
I never heard of such a thing! Why does it have to be something to change your physical appearance. Why not something like running around the block in a bikini in 20 degree weather or something?
:lol: I've read this thread a few times and I've got a whole lot of nothin' lol.

You could shave your brows off. While they grow back you could use stencils.

A piercing might not be bad (that's what my sister and I did. LOL We split a pair of earrings and got matching ear piercings.)
How about wearing a wig for 1 month? The style, length, color of the wig would be up to the person donating the money.
I have an idea...dye your eyebrows dark blonde! You can wear them blonde at work, but easily cover them with black or brown brow powder/pencil later. Its easy...I've done it.I have a YT video on it too! Will post link later.

Otherwise I would say just wear a blonde wig...
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It seems like they are pressuring you I don't see why they are making such a big deal about such drastic changes. I get that its for charity and all but damn if it were me I would be up front and tell them (in a professional manner) I will not change my physical appearance its too much.
ladies, dont take this too seriously! There really isnt any pressure to do it. Its supposed to be fun, not pressured.

I just want to somehow participate without changing my hair or doing anything to damage it.
For $5000 I would color the last inch of my hair blonde and then after the month, cut them off. If the money was coming into my pocket, then I would do even more. I'm keeping it real, lol.
I had shaved eyebrows all through high school. Yes they do grow back. Prolly 4 weeks. They can look more natrual than just drawn on with a pencil if you use a powder brush to fill in. I say do the eyebrows. Millions of people do that daily.
I also used to shave the back of my head and that grows back too lol 2 years to reach shoulders.
Can u not do something less permament such as wear your pjs to work for a week or funny coloured wig or something, sponsored run?

Its not right to ask a woman to shave off her eyebrows.
ladies, dont take this too seriously! There really isnt any pressure to do it. Its supposed to be fun, not pressured.

I just want to somehow participate without changing my hair or doing anything to damage it.

Brain fart. Why not try that colored hair spray??? I know it came in golden blonde. :look: Don't ask me how I know. It was a long time ago and I thought it looked good streaked. :look: Don't judge me! :lol:
I never heard of such a thing! Why does it have to be something to change your physical appearance. Why not something like running around the block in a bikini in 20 degree weather or something?

I'd rather go with OP's options 1 and 2 than do that ... :). Hair grows back but I think I'd be traumatized for life if I had to be exposed like that in cold weather to boot. I've had many hair cuts in my life - none of them were traumatizing. :) (I'm shivering already thinking about the bikini run).
Tell 'em you'll get a piercing, and then when it's time, tell 'em you got your hood pierced, LOL. NOBODY is gonna make you show and prove that one, LMAO!
My son shaved his Brows off a few weeks ago and they are starting to grow back :nono: what was on his mind??? Mischief I tell you :lachen: I couldn't help but laugh when he showed me. I think that will be his last time doing that LOL
Shaving your head and changing black hair to blonde is doing the same thing:yep: You would have to bleach it and it prolly will break off before you it reaches the white blonde color.

Ilike the idea of spray on color. Good luck with your fundraiser.
Eyebrows do grow back, that's why we have tweezers and wax! What about instead of bleaching it, putting glitter spray in it (yeah, it'll be a pain in the butt to remove, but it's not damaging!) or a really weird hairstyle? Or even brightly colored temporary color spray (less difficult then glitter to get out).

Some ideas. . .
*Really avant-garde makeup. Like blue lipstick w/ orange eyeshadow. Something weird.

*Dressing up in some animal costume.

*Dressing in a style that's completely opposite to your personality. Like goth, metal, ultra glam, etc.

* Wear underwear outside your clothes.

*A piercing isn't a bad idea. You can always take it out.