I would like something to get my hair straight!


New Member
I think I posted something last night, but I can't find the post to even see the results of my question, so here I go agian.
My hair did not get relaxed straight, so I am looking to get something to put in my hair to straighten it out when I roller set it.
I tried Straight out by smooth n shine, but my hair felt like it had hairspray in it. Could someone please recommend something I can put in my hair to straigten it, with roller setting. My hairdresser puts the curling iron in, but I don't want to encourage the heat, because my hair was weaved for a long time, and I took it out a few weeks ago, and it is not that strong.
So I am going to do my own roller sets. But part of it is not straight. So I need some kind of cream to put in it before I roller set to make it straight.
I also would like to know what I can put in it after I work out, because it kinks up a bit.
And some hair came out last night when I tried to wrap it.
What is a good regime to do when I come home from the gym to do to my hair, to get it back in that relaxed managable straight mode?
Thanking whoever can work a miracle with these questions.
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I hope you live in Brooklyn, because if you do you can buy a bottle of Lacio Lacio. It's a Dominican leavi-in conditioner that I use when I want a really straight rollerset. t costs about $2.50 for the little bottle but it works wonders. You can go to Just For Me on the corner of Flatbush and Fulton.

This answers part of your question....
Anyone know of a product that get's rollersets really straight if you don't live in new york
If not one that you can get in like Sally's, perferably one that you can order online?
I hope you live in Brooklyn, because if you do you can buy a bottle of Lacio Lacio. It's a Dominican leavi-in conditioner that I use when I want a really straight rollerset. t costs about $2.50 for the little bottle but it works wonders. You can go to Just For Me on the corner of Flatbush and Fulton.

This answers part of your question....

[/ QUOTE ]

can you describe what this looks like? i might be able to get it in manhattan.
God bless you all.

You said some hair comes out after you come from the gym when it kinks up. I found that sweating alot after working out would make my hair shed alot if I didn't wash it immediately. I just do a conditioner wash without shampoo. Would you consider doing this?

I'm not sure what to suggest to help straighten your hair more. Have you considered trying serums? I find these often work very well. How about having a wash and set at a Dominican salon and seeing if there's something specific they put in the hair before putting the rollars in or just asking them to rec. something? They are experts at producing very straight hair from rollar setting.

Rickys beauty supplies usually has sample sizes of serums which you can try without worrying about the money. Just put it on from mid part to ends of hair just before doing the rollars.

It's a small glass bottle - and holds about 20cc (like the bottles doctors have when you get an injection). It has a sky blue background and a lady's face on it. The words lacio lacio (FYI: translation straight straight) are written in script in red. If you plan on going to Just For Me, you can find the bottles right near the register.

I hope this helps.
Well I would consider doing anything.
I do realise that what you are speaking about the shedding is true.
I don't have any dominicans in Cali. I wish I did though.
If I had them here, my hair would be in a better condition.
I will will try the conditoner rinse.
But that means I will have to use a dryer after.
Geez!, having relaxed hair is a lot of trouble.
Thanks a lot girl!
Hey Lovly, BRH is absolutely correct about rinsing and conditioining hair right after a workout. This is what I do. If I don't the salt from the sweat makes my hair break. As for trying to achieve a smooth straight look when wearing your hair down, you can start with a hot oil treatment, CON shampoo and Pantene Smooth and Sleek conditioner. Follow that up with Loreal smooth Instense serum. Then add a little EVOO and cocout oil all throughout the hair. Then do a rollerset. This works great for me. My hair is also underprocessed (and have been for quite some time). All the products I've mentioned work really greaat individually. They all smooth the hair cuticle leaving the hair shiny and bouncy. hth