I wore my own hair for the first time in years


Hey all,
The other day I posted how upset I was after doing a texturizer on my natural hair (after over 1 year of BC) and I was upset. Anyways, long story short, I finally decided to not wear a wig, or braids or a weave and wear my own natural hair out in a texturized afro! I love it! I rec'd a lot of compliments today! I realize the hair on my head looks a helluva lot better than the hair from someone else's head:lol: . All jokes aside though, it was a "freeing" feeling. Don't get me wrong, I had a complex all day today bc i'm used to walking around with weave or braids almost at bra strap and my own hair is not even at shoulders but looks like a round puff when not straightened. Yesterday, I did the full head baggy until night time and the cutest waves popped up all over my head. So now i'm doing the baggy method, i'm going to co-wash on a regular basis and give my hair lots of moisture. As I type, my hair is in 2 puffs with baggies over them! I can't predict growth but for some reason, I have a feeling my hair is going to flourish now! my new goal now is to grow my hair long and strong without all the chutzkas!!!

Wish me luck and thanks for all your support and wonderful advice!
Congratulations on kicking away the crutches of wigs and weaves. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Can't wait to see some pics...hint, hint. ;)

I just did for the 1st time about a month ago. I wore braids (that I failed to take good care of) for 7 years or so and a weave for about a year.

Even when I decided to stop getting weaves, I was wearing clip-ins. I just did not like how I felt w/o a weave or braids.

Now, I have been wearing my hair out for about a month now and I can't see it being any other way. Actualyl I think being able to take this step helped me see my priorities. I am no longer worried about how fast my hair is growing, but how healthy my hair is.

I just had to get used to it and except the way I look and feel.

And it is getting better and more fun every week.
MissBiss, funny that you mentioned pics. I finally feel confident enough to post! At least this way I can "own" my progress and results. Also, it's great to get feedback from all you ladies and I'd love to get some about my hair. I will be purchasing an afro phony pony soon to wear occasionally so I can do the baggie method in the day. I want my ends to flourish. This way I can alternate.

Honeydew, I now realize how much of an attachment I have to wearing extensions/braids. I also hated it when ppl would compliment me on my hair or think it was mine when it wasn't. Today I took ownership to each and every compliment! This is just the beginning for me though even though i've been doing the hair thing since Oct. Now, I can step up my hair journey. I can't wait to do regular co-washes. I want to wait until tomorrow night bc I don't have work in the morning just in case i have problems styling after the wash. I need to get myself a regimen!
I wore a weave for 2 years, and while I loved having perfect hair everyday with no maintenance, I was really ready to wear my own hair. Even though my own hair is far from perfect, there is nothing that beats the sense of pride I feel that it is mine.
Congrats on wearing your own hair. I can relate because I used to wear braids all the time and really only felt pretty with them in- they can definately become a crutch. All this talk is making me want to bump up my challenge for all the ladies intested.
I love that so many ladies feel the same way OR have gone thu something similiar. I am crossing my fingers that it pays off!!!!

DD...is that your natural hair???? You have pretty curls!
determine3 said:
I love that so many ladies feel the same way OR have gone thu something similiar. I am crossing my fingers that it pays off!!!!

DD...is that your natural hair???? You have pretty curls!

Yes, it's my natural hair. I didn't appreciate my natural hair until I relaxed it last year. I let some haters convince me my natural hair was ugly. I now can say that I no longer have the chemical dependency bug anymore. Thank you for the compliment.:D
Congratulations, I know it must feel good. I wish more women could revel in the beauty of wearing their own hair. I think too many black women use weaves/braids as a crutch. It's okay when it's for a goal or something like that, but not when you feel like you aren't attractive without it.