I wore my hand down yesterday for the first time in over a year....


Well-Known Member
and I received compliments from people that I least expected. This one woman just kept saying how long my hair was, others came over to look at it, touch it, and just to compliment me on my hair. Understand, that alot of my friends have never seen my hair because I always wore a bun. I did a rollerset with 2" rollers using Lonei's ponytail method for the first time on friday after work. After washing, conditioning, etc., I applied styling product and proceeded to rollerset my hair. I sit under a dryer for 2 hours and the back part of my hair was still not dry. It came out with so much body and bounce. I had a special event to attend this weekend, so on saturday I pinned it up in a french twist and on Sunday AM i put a few caruso rollers in it and wore it down. Some friends did not recognize who I was, they called me foxy, glamour girl, etc. But what I found to be so strange, was the people that I least expected complimented me on my hair, whereas my close friends said little of nothing or nothing at all. Why do you think they acted like that? Is there anyone else here on the board that experienced similar reactions from close friends. I was so puzzled by their lack of response but I didn't let it bother me. I had one friend take some pictures because my husband wasn't available because I would have asked him to do it. I wanted to pose, and show off my hair. One picture I wanted to take was, I stood in my bathroom and gathered my hair like Chicoro in a ponytail and on the picture I wanted a comment that said "I want to be like Chicoro when I grow up".. but I knew I wasn't going to get such a picture. Maybe the next time I wear it down I will get my husband to take it for me. Instead, I just asked my friend to take some basic pictures showing my length and I just hope the pictures come out. I want to start tracking my progress. I have one of those dinosaur cameras and have to get the film developed. I will post pictures after the sweet success challenge which ends on May 1st.
BTW, I couldn't wait to get home on Sunday PM to condition wash my hair and put it back in my regular ole bun. The next time I wear it down which probably will be awhile, I think I'm going to get it done professionally like blow dry and then flat iron. I haven't styled my hair for years, but with practice I'm sure I will get better with it. Just wanted to share.
I get compliments from some friends and I don't from some. Those that I do get compliments from are the one that I usually talk to about hair. The others, I don't think they really care. It is hard to say that they are hating because now you have the bomb hair. Some people just don't know how to give compliments. So I say enjoy your hair and don't worry about your friends who choose not to comment.
What do you mean why they acted like that? I'm sure you no the answer to that question I don't need to go into details anyways, I'm super glad you are happy with your hair post a pic lets see, 2 hours wow! Your hair maybe super thick I'm happy for you, happy growing chica:)
congrats! i can't wait to see those pictures. my close friends don't say anything at all about my hair when i wear it down. they lost that right cause they made fun of me so much when i first started taking care of my hair.
Sounds like the Green Eyed Monster is rearing its ugly head. Let's give your friends the benefit of doubt...maybe they are all in shock and were rendered speechless by your beautiful locks.....;)
I bet you looked GREAT!:D It's always very dramatic when you wear your hair down after keeping it up for so long. People seems to forget that you have hair and then they act like you're a totally different person.:lol:

Please post pictures when you can.
fancypants007 said:
I will post pictures after the sweet success challenge which ends on May 1st.

Wow - I am looking forward to seeing the pics.

Sometimes the people who are close to you already know you have long hair and get disenchanted, it's no shock to them to see how long it is even if you usually keep it bunned-up.

Or it could be just plain ol' hair-hate!!!:think:
guesswho said:
What do you mean why they acted like that? I'm sure you no the answer to that question I don't need to go into details anyways, I'm super glad you are happy with your hair post a pic lets see, 2 hours wow! Your hair maybe super thick I'm happy for you, happy growing chica:)

I asked that question because I just don't want to believe they were hating. It just shocked me and that's all I'm saying. My hair is not super thick, in fact I have fine strands, but I have so much volume. I don't think I did a good job because it's been ages since I've rollerset my hair. Also some places were frizzy because the hair was not dry when I took down the rollers, etc. etc. All that mattered to me was I wore my hair down for the first time in over a year and I was proud of it even though in my opinion it was a "botch up" job.
camellia said:
I bet you looked GREAT!:D It's always very dramatic when you wear your hair down after keeping it up for so long. People seems to forget that you have hair and then they act like you're a totally different person.:lol:

Please post pictures when you can.

I think you are right. I was very serious when I asked, why they acted that way. I think it was dramatic for them because afterall I had it up for over a year. Sometimes I also think they believe that we wear our hair up because it's damaged, or doesn't look good. They don't know that we wear it in protective styles to preserve the ends so we can retain length. I was happy and proud to wear my hair down because I saw the fruitage of my hard work. Thank you for the encouragement!
congratulations on your progress! maybe try not to think about why someone is not complimenting you, especially when you said yourself that you felt it was a botched job.