The only rule for this challenge, of course, is to NOT cut or trim your hair prior to your predetermined date.

If you would like to be apart of this challenge please post:
1. Your Hair Plan of Care for the duration of time you will be refraining from cutting/trimming
2. The final date of your challenge. I will post this next to your name to provide a form of accountability and support from fellow participants while on this challenge.

**If you absolutely feel you need to cut-PLEASE post a pic and get some feedback before you do anything. Please!
** You may also S&Destroy in order to remove minor splits and single strands knots located on the very ends of hair, at your discretion. Use your judgment. (Chances are if you are prone to cutting you are likely to take a little too much off- so try to stay away from the scissors)

My plan:
-No trimming/cutting until June 2011 :)

-Min-moderate use of heat (mostly indirect)
-S&Destroy (as needed for single strand knots and splits at end of strands)
-Deep condition every wash
-Letting my hair be!

Good luck ladies!!! We can do this!

Participants............................Final Date:
1. a _caribbean_dream--------->June 2011
2. Tangles--------------------->July 2011
3. Avaya----------------------> May 26, 2012
4. Marie B--------------------->May 31, 2011
5. Growing My Glory------------> December 2010
6. Sweetpeadee---------------> December 31st, 2010
7. Ms. Blue--------------------> March 2011
8. Knotty By Nature------------> March 2011
9. SouthernStunner------------> June 2012
10.Vee-Vee--------------------> June 2011
11.Ms. Netta-------------------> Jan 1, 2011
12. Indarican-------------------> July 2012
13. Esthii777-------------------> Feb. 2011
14. Ashlee5125-----------------> December 27, 2010
15. Ms Lala---------------------> December 2010
16. Lalla------------------------> July 2011
17. ThatMutha------------------> July 2011
18. Tkj25-----------------------> Dec 2011
19. LilMissRed-------------------> June 2011
20. Tri3nity---------------------> December 2010
21. Jayjaycurlz------------------> August 2010/ Aug 2011
22. SimpleKomplexity------------> Dec 31, 2010
23. Texasqt---------------------> Dec 31, 2010 or at beyond APL
24. Afrikurl----------------------> May 2011
25. UrbainChic------------------> August 1, 2011
26. Carisa----------------------->August 1, 2011
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The only rule for this challenge, of course, is to NOT cut or trim your hair prior to your predetermined date.

If you would like to be apart of this challenge please post:
1. Your Hair Plan of Care for the duration of time you will be refraining from cutting/trimming
2. The final date of your challenge. I will post this next to your name to provide a form of accountability and support from fellow participants while on this challenge.

**If you absolutely feel you need to cut-PLEASE post a pic and get some feedback before you do anything. Please!
** You may also S&Destroy in order to remove minor splits and single strands knots located on the very ends of hair, at your discretion. Use your judgment. (Chances are if you are prone to cutting you are likely to take a little too much off- so try to stay away from the scissors)

My plan:
-No trimming/cutting until June 2011 :)

-Min-moderate use of heat (mostly indirect)
-S&Destroy (as needed for single strand knots and splits at end of strands)
-Deep condition every wash
-Letting my hair be!

Good luck ladies!!! We can do this!

1. a _caribbean_dream---------> Final Date: June 2011
2. Tangles---------------------> Final Date: July 2011
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Hey, this challenge will be easy for me!

1.) Co-wash every (or almost every) Thursday
Wash and Deep Condition every Sunday
Protein Treatment every 6 weeks
Moisturize Daily
Wash 'n Go Summer months
Wig it Winter months
Cornrows w/ extension hair Spring and Fall months (except for this Fall - this Fall
will be wash 'n go)

2.) Will straighten and trim ends May 26, 2012 (I think I may try the Split Ender
too) No scissors will touch my hair before this date (except of course to cut out
any knots I may get)
I'm in. My reggie is pretty simple: shampoo at least once a week, co-wash at least twice a week, DC once a week. I will probably BKT in the next week, other than that, I'm keeping the heat to a minimum. Other than S&D missions, I have no plans to cut until 5/31/11.
If you would like to be apart of this challenge please post:
1. Your Hair Plan of Care for the duration of time you will be refraining from cutting/trimming
2. The final date of your challenge. I will post this next to your name to provide a form of accountability and support from fellow participants while on this challenge.

My Hair Care Plan:
-Keep hair in twists for the rest of the summer (July-September 2010)
-Wash and DC hair when I take out twists
-PS hair for the rest of the year (October-December 2010)
-No trimming/cutting until December 2010 (for now)
-S&Destroy (as needed for single strand knots and splits at end of strands)

Final Date for my Challenge:

December 31st, 2010 (again, for now)
I'm in!

I won't trim my hair until March 2011.

-Protective style: Individual braids underneath my half-wig. The braids are being kept in 4 weeks at a time.
-No heat during the summer but i will flatiron my hair may be twice before the end of the year also blowdry my hair once a month on cool during the colder months.
-Co-wash 1x-3x a week, wash w/ diluted shampoo twicw a month and deep condition once a week alternating b/w a lite protein/ miosturizing conditioner.
-Moisturize w/ my juice mix and seal/base my scalp with jbco twice a week (lately I've been basing my scalp everyday with lightly w/ jbco but i'm going to reduce that.)
-Perform a s&d once a month during take down of the braids.
I would like to join in! Since I just BC'd I really need to stay away from the scissors for a while!

My hair care plan:
Co-wash at least every other day
Shampoo every week
DC at least every other week
Moisturize/seal at least once a day

I will not be cutting until AT least March of 2011

1. Your Hair Plan of Care for the duration of time you will be refraining from cutting/trimming
2. The final date of your challenge. I will post this next to your name to provide a form of accountability and support from fellow participants while
on this challenge.

1. I just got my ends dusted Sat. and was told I had no splits at all so she just did 1/4 inc. trim to refresh my ends. Whatever that means. I was just happy that what I was doing is keeping me on the right track. I will be wearing weaves, wigs, or braids. (C&G) and when not in those I will either bun or twist out. Co wash at least twice a week, D/C once a week and when hair is loose clarify once and Protein once. I will use the Split Ender every 8 weeks so I hope that is ok.

2. Scissors will not touch my head again until June 2012. :nono::blush: I just hope I can last that long!
i would join but i'm already in one for this yr and i'm sure by dec i will need a good trimming lol

but i will be in and out of here cause i'll be very interested to see you ladies progress
count me in pls!

My Hair Care Plan:
-PS for the remainder of the year
-DC before, in-between, and after PS
-S&D as needed

Final Date for my Challenge:

Jan 1, 2011
2.) Might trim June 2011. I would like to go longer than that.

Me too Vee-Vee! I set that date to be realistic and I want to see if I can push longer than that!

Ladies, it seems as though a lot of us have similar set dates. This should make it easier for us to keep track of each other. :)
I would like to join.

I wont cut my hair till July 2012... That is a stretch, but im a woman of my word and if I tell yall i wont i wont (hopefully):perplexed:perplexed:perplexed

for my hair care.. i plan on dc and roller setting once a week and then ps the remainder of the week. Moisturizing and sealing daily. shampoo once a month.
Ooo! I'm in!! This will be my first challenge and very easy for me as I am EL.
My Plan:
1. No trimming until right before my wedding in Feb. 2011
2. No heat except maybe Caruso curlers for special occasions
3. Co wash daily, pre poo and poo once a week and then DC
4. Wash n go's, roller setting and doobie wraps while air drying are my styles
5. Juicing it and sealing every night and satin cap while sleeping
How are yall coming along on this challenge. I've been thinking about joining this one. I'm in braids right now. My goal is to keep my hair up until January 1st to let it grow out, but I dunno
I would like to join!!

I will not cut my hair until December 27th! That would be my one year anniversary since my last perm. Until then, I plan to weave it up as usual OR if I choose to wear my hair out, I will learn to work with the two textures and NOT think about trimming anything, because I am known for just chopping everything off.

PLan of care:
Weave it up
Condition with a leave in three times a week
Wash and Deep condition after every take down, and before any install
Only use heat when necessary ( to blow-dry, and the occasional flat iron for length checks)
Love my hair just the way it is...nappy and curly :-)

Good luck ladies!
Please count me in. I have a problem w/the scissors. My date will be December 2010 (whew, that's a long time for me).
My plan- wear twists and twist outs, keep no to low heat regimen , keep ends moisturized, be more diligent about using satin pillow cases, be more gentle w/ my hair particularly the ends.
I'm in until July 2011.
I wasn't supposed to trim my hair this year but I've trimmed it twice already. Icut more times last year - 6 trims, not counting the S&Ds- but this is still too many.

I won't trim at all unless the tangles become unbearable.
I'm in!

Every time I get fustrated with my hair (which is quite often), I cut it to EL. Since I'm serious about wanting MBL-WL hair in the future, this is a challenge I need to be apart of.

I only plan to:
Wash & Deep Condition every week
Keep my hair in braids

I don't want to cut it until July 2011

i'm in! I don't plan on cutting for at least 1.5 years. dec 2011 is my goal. i'll do s&d for crazy ssks, but that's it. otherwise my hair will be protected in braids or twists. the struggle for me will be not to cut it even when I do my year-end length checks:) when it's straight I get obsessed with blunt, even ends ... but im'a have to let that feeling pass & know that my ends are healthy & ok as is:):look::grin::yep::grin::yep: & keep it moving to my goal.

as far as regime, i'll do my usual:
moisturize daily (or as needed up or down)
deep-condition as needed
co-wash weekly
seal weekly
minimal heat
protective styles 90% of the time
protein supplements/vitamins daily
visualization as the mood hits me:)

i figure i'm almost halfway to my length goal, and this'll be the little push to get there sooner:)
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Im in.. I have no intentions to trim/cut until..............whenever, but just for this challenge I'll say I wont touch scissors until 6/11 btw Ive never trimmed/cut since going natural

I'll continue to 'juice' daily, co wash 2-3 days per week, dc every other week,poo every 2 weeks as well
Welcome to everyone who recently joined this challenge! So happy to have you!

I know it’s pretty early in the challenge but how is everyone doing so far??

How about my December people??:
Growing My Glory--------------> December 2010
Sweetpeadee-------------------> December 31st, 2010
Ashlee5125---------------------> December 27, 2010
Ms Lala-------------------------> December 2010

Recently everything is going ok on my end, I have just discovered a lot of single strand knots pretty far up my strands b/c I haven’t been keeping my hair styled. I truly believe that is key for my hair/texture. Twisting, straightening, or braiding it up and leaving it alone. So shame on me for leaving it unstyled in a fro for 2 weeks! I plan on doing something with it soon and also implementing some type of schedule to regularly moisturize/baby my ends on weekends b/c I am always very busy during the week.
I am doing fine, although I did have an almost overwhelming urge to trim a couple of days ago...just because I joined the challenge, I think. But I backed away from the scissors and stayed strong!
1. I won't trim until December 2010. Haven't had one since November of 2009.

2. My plan is to shampoo & DC weekly, co-wash weekly. Moisturize and seal as needed. No heat at all. Wet wraps and braid outs when 8 weeks post.

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