I will never have the perfect braidout...


Well-Known Member
So I think I have to give up now. I will never have the perfect braidout because I cannot cornrow. I have been trying to accomplish this for quite sometime now and still have yet to master it. I am convinced that cornrows are only for those with some magical hands or something.

I tried doing a braid out with just regular braids and that didn't look to good either. I guess I will just have to give up on my dream of having the perfect braidout for now.

I am the only one that cornrow despite looking at countless youtube videos and reading myriads of how-to's?

Someone please give me hope and tell me that I am not alone in this and that it is not an impossible task.
I have a video on a braid out thats pretty simple. I dont like cornrowing my own hair so I NEVER do that and the way I do mine is very pretty. If I may say so. :look: Oh I forgot the link!

YouTube - Braidout Tutorial

Dont give up!!! It took me 5 years to figure out how to do a decent bantu knot out.
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I can cornrow but my braidouts come out best when I don't. NinaPruitt has a beautiful non-cornrow tutorial on YT. And @SparklingFlame, I STILL haven't been able to do a successful BKO and I'm goin on 2 years of my HHJ! hmmm, maybe I'll try again tonight!
thanks for the links and the positive words. I guess I'll try these youtube videos and go from there.

btw, I can't master a bantu knot out either. I guess i'm just style challenged.
I just haphazardly braid my hair in 8-10 braids and I don't worry about parting my braids perfectly. The only part I make is a part in the front or middle of my head. After I braid a section, I twist my finger around the braid like I'm making finger coils. It comes out really nice in the morning. I always do it on damp hair that has my leave in and olive oil and sometimes a use a whipped butter. I love my braid outs. Also, in the morning before I undo my braids and part each section of the braids into 4 or 5, I rub olive oil down the braids lightly and through my hair in a downward motion.
A few weeks ago I did braidouts for the week. I didn't think it would work, but figured, if it failed, I would do a messy ponytail.

I did about 6-7 braids one on each side, 2 in the middle part of my hair and 2-3 on the bottom- (use Argan Oil or your choice of oil down the length and especially on the ends), after braiding and use foam curl rods on the ends and finish with your scarf... I was thoroughly surprised when it actually turned out pretty! Then I would re-braid before bed.

Hope this helps!
Have you considered twist-outs? That is what I do. It is just like doing cornrows, only you split your hair into two strands instead of three. It is much easier for me and I really love how my hair comes out! I do 6 twists over my head.
I learned how to cornrow on dolls when I was little. Keep practicing. I think cornrowed braidouts look best....sometimes I see people's braidouts and it just looks weird with straight or flat hair at the top and waves starting a little bit further down...just my opinion. But, bantu knots should be easier and they create a similar look.