I Will Heal Their Land...

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

King Solomon was known for 2 things. He was known for his wisdom, which was a tremendous strength. He was also known for his women, over 1000 to be exact. This turned out to be a great weakness. However, he strived to keep his heart towards God and for the most part, he was successful.

Solomon had completed the biggest project of his reign. He built the temple of God. What an honor. Although this was a dream of his father, David, God chose to give this project to Solomon. It was magnificent and would become one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. This day, the day for the dedication of the temple, was for God. He made sure to try to show God his love and admiration. He sacrificed thousands of burnt offerings in an attempt to show God how much he cared. He prayed earnestly that God would be pleased with his efforts and that God would honor this place as His dwelling place.

Solomon also prayed about the sins of the people. Not their current sins, but their future sins. Being wise, Solomon knew how hard it was to walk according to the law. He struggled with it and knew his people did also. But He loved God and he wanted to be assured that their sins would not separate them too far from God. God responded to Solomon’s prayer in an awesome way. First, He sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice. He then filled the temple with His glory so strongly that the priest could not enter in. Finally, He verbally responded to Solomon’s prayer in dream a week later. It is from this response that we get our promise for today.

God explains the power that the people have concerning judgments that would come as a result of sin. He tells Solomon that if He decides to judge the people by drought, locust or sickness, that there is a way out. He further explains if His people, which are called by His name, would humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will He hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Again, we see Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that Heals, at work. Even in the face of sin, God is ready to heal if they will humble themselves before Him, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways. Healing is in God’s nature.

Although this seems like a pretty easy formula to follow, the children of Israel were not able to do it on a consistent basis. As a result, they lost the land that God had promised to heal and are still to this very day fighting for the promise land that God gave them.

For the New Testament Christian, this verse can be summed up in one word, JESUS. It is through Jesus that we humble ourselves before God. It is in the name of Jesus that we now pray. It is through Jesus that we seek the face of God since Jesus said if we see Him, we see the Father. It is through Jesus that we have access to the Holy Spirit whereby we can trade our wicked ways, or works of the flesh, for the fruit of the Spirit. And finally, it is through Jesus that we realize the promise. God hears us from heaven, He forgives our sins and He heals our land.

God is my Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that Heals. I thank God for my salvation through Jesus Christ. I thank God for the abiding Holy Spirit. I rejoice and am grateful for the fact that God hears us from heaven, forgives our sins and heals our land. In Jesus Name, Amen.

God said that He would remove the stony hearts and replace them with hearts of flesh...

Father, remove the hearts of stone; the cold hearts that have become as ice towards you and your way; those hearts which have turned away from you in rebellion to have their way and not yours. Please soften the hardest of hearts, for a broken spirit, a contrite heart, you will not despise...

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Nice & Wavy: thank you for sharing this.
Shimmie: thank you for the prayer which affects us all whether we are in the body of Christ or an unbeliever.

Lord, at one time our nation had a heart for children and a deep respect for family. I know that we as a nation have made many mistakes, but there was a time Lord when we could pray in schools, and people respected the fact that worship is sacred. Lord, please change our hearts. Bless us within the body to reach out to those in need and to witness to the unbelievers in words and actions. Bless the unbelievers to have hearts pliable to You. Bless them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bless them to desire salvation. Make us all to thirst for your word and be repulsed by sin and evil. And most of all, Lord, please protect our babies. We know that You don't make mistakes, Lord. Your word says that children are a blessing and a heritage. This has not and will not ever change. We have gotten to the point as a society that we just throw children away. Our nation actually believes that children aren't even people; that they are disposable. Lord, You are the only one who can right wrongs and change hearts. We are on our faces, Lord, asking You for change. It is our fervent prayer that we as a people will desire the ancient paths and Your will.

In Jesus' name,

Have mercy, Lord....

Lord, at one time our nation had a heart for children and a deep respect for family. I know that we as a nation have made many mistakes, but there was a time Lord when we could pray in schools, and people respected the fact that worship is sacred. Lord, please change our hearts. Bless us within the body to reach out to those in need and to witness to the unbelievers in words and actions. Bless the unbelievers to have hearts pliable to You. Bless them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bless them to desire salvation. Make us all to thirst for your word and be repulsed by sin and evil. And most of all, Lord, please protect our babies. We know that You don't make mistakes, Lord. Your word says that children are a blessing and a heritage. This has not and will not ever change. We have gotten to the point as a society that we just throw children away. Our nation actually believes that children aren't even people; that they are disposable. Lord, You are the only one who can right wrongs and change hearts. We are on our faces, Lord, asking You for change. It is our fervent prayer that we as a people will desire the ancient paths and Your will.

In Jesus' name,

Nice & Wavy: thank you for sharing this.
Shimmie: thank you for the prayer which affects us all whether we are in the body of Christ or an unbeliever.

Lord, at one time our nation had a heart for children and a deep respect for family. I know that we as a nation have made many mistakes, but there was a time Lord when we could pray in schools, and people respected the fact that worship is sacred. Lord, please change our hearts. Bless us within the body to reach out to those in need and to witness to the unbelievers in words and actions. Bless the unbelievers to have hearts pliable to You. Bless them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bless them to desire salvation. Make us all to thirst for your word and be repulsed by sin and evil. And most of all, Lord, please protect our babies. We know that You don't make mistakes, Lord. Your word says that children are a blessing and a heritage. This has not and will not ever change. We have gotten to the point as a society that we just throw children away. Our nation actually believes that children aren't even people; that they are disposable. Lord, You are the only one who can right wrongs and change hearts. We are on our faces, Lord, asking You for change. It is our fervent prayer that we as a people will desire the ancient paths and Your will.

In Jesus' name,


I agree. In Jesus name. Amen.

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Nice & Wavy: thank you for sharing this.
Shimmie: thank you for the prayer which affects us all whether we are in the body of Christ or an unbeliever.

Lord, at one time our nation had a heart for children and a deep respect for family. I know that we as a nation have made many mistakes, but there was a time Lord when we could pray in schools, and people respected the fact that worship is sacred. Lord, please change our hearts.

Bless us within the body to reach out to those in need and to witness to the unbelievers in words and actions. Bless the unbelievers to have hearts pliable to You. Bless them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bless them to desire salvation. Make us all to thirst for your word and be repulsed by sin and evil. And most of all, Lord, please protect our babies.

We know that You don't make mistakes, Lord. Your word says that children are a blessing and a heritage. This has not and will not ever change. We have gotten to the point as a society that we just throw children away. Our nation actually believes that children aren't even people; that they are disposable.

Lord, You are the only one who can right wrongs and change hearts. We are on our faces, Lord, asking You for change. It is our fervent prayer that we as a people will desire the ancient paths and Your will.

In Jesus' name,


In Jesus' Name... :amen:
@Nice & Wavy: thank you for sharing this.
@Shimmie: thank you for the prayer which affects us all whether we are in the body of Christ or an unbeliever.

Lord, at one time our nation had a heart for children and a deep respect for family. I know that we as a nation have made many mistakes, but there was a time Lord when we could pray in schools, and people respected the fact that worship is sacred. Lord, please change our hearts. Bless us within the body to reach out to those in need and to witness to the unbelievers in words and actions. Bless the unbelievers to have hearts pliable to You. Bless them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bless them to desire salvation. Make us all to thirst for your word and be repulsed by sin and evil. And most of all, Lord, please protect our babies. We know that You don't make mistakes, Lord. Your word says that children are a blessing and a heritage. This has not and will not ever change. We have gotten to the point as a society that we just throw children away. Our nation actually believes that children aren't even people; that they are disposable. Lord, You are the only one who can right wrongs and change hearts. We are on our faces, Lord, asking You for change. It is our fervent prayer that we as a people will desire the ancient paths and Your will.

In Jesus' name,

Awesome, prayer! Thank you so much for this! :hug2: