I went to see Reneice today not was I was looking to hear


New Member
She had appts today for the Spring. After waiting in a line because the consultations were for 11:00 and it was a line from hell at 10:25 this morning. Anyway, I wait five hours to get in and see her. She tells me that my ends are thin and brittle and that she wouldn't recommend me do a weave for no longer than 7 weeks.

Of course, she said she could cut my ends maybe three inches and that would take me from APL to SL she said and then she would recommend me getting a weave for longer. She also did not say I should cut my ends it was just a suggestion as she said they may be salvagable but she would want to see my hair wet to decide how much to take off my ends.

I am so bummed out, here I am thinking if I go to Reneice and get a weave I can go to BSL. As it turns out, it would take me 6 months to get back to where I currently am. That puts me at the end of this year, because I have a appt with her on May 17th.

SL:sad: what a setback if I let her cut my ends and I know I should. She is the bomb with ends but I just wonder if I can get them back into shape without a cut? probably not though. I know I should just go ahead and get them cut and start out with nice and hopefully eventually thick healthy ends. She was sweet and so young and she has a beautiful shop.
Awwwww. I understand how you feel. If you trust her judgement. I would definitely go ahead and get my ends cut!!! I've seen her before and afters, and she's amazing with helping maintain healthy hair!
I don't think you should be upset. Her job is to have your hair be as healthy as possible. Three inches is six months, but those extra six months will give you a much better head of hair. BSL will come for you. Patience Danielson :-)

I got that email. It was first come first serve right? She has clients flying in from diff. states to see her. I think whenever she does something like that it will probably be a crazy line.
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I don't think you should be upset. Her job is to have your hair be as healthy as possible. Three inches is six months, but those extra six months will give you a much better head of hair. BSL will come for you. Patience Danielson :-)

Exactly. It's nice to know when a stylist actually cares about your hair, versus just trying to make money. I nevermind when my stylist tells me something that I want isn't best for my hair. Saves me alot of heart ache in the long run from NOT listening to them!
BUT WOW at their being a line for consultations. It's that serious!?!

I mean the woman can do hair.. but no way in the world .. would I stand in line for a consultation..for somebody to do my hair MONTHS from now. I just don't ever see myself doing that.

But OP... maybe baby your ends and by May.. they'll look better.. so she'll have to cut less?? 3" is a CUT.. to me... I just couldn't let that go that easily.. How do YOU think your ends look and could you deal with them??
My mom and aunt were up there at 7:20 this morning :look: . My mom says the place was packed. She also says the new shop looks really nice.

ETA: Also I kinda know how you feel, because when I first started going to Reniece I had about 5 months of new growth, and at the time I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to big chop or keep relaxing. I remember Reniece encouraging (not pressuring) me to try and stay on the natural path, but she told me that no matter what I decided to do, it would be best if the relaxed portion of my hair was trimmed off because it was damaged. I'm so glad I listened to her because my hair has never been this healthy.
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i would take her advice. i'm a client of hers and EVERY time i choose to ignore her advice, i pay dearly.

she knows what she's talking about. she will however respect your wishes. her advice has grown me the best head of hair i have ever had.

check my fotki if you like. :)

good luck and happy hair growing!
I'd say cut the ends. Even if you baby them until May, will you really see that much improvement? I have gotten some cuts when I only intended to get a trim, but I never regret it because my hair grows right back and it looks soooo much better.
I mean the woman can do hair.. but no way in the world .. would I stand in line for a consultation..for somebody to do my hair MONTHS from now. I just don't ever see myself doing that.

But OP... maybe baby your ends and by May.. they'll look better.. so she'll have to cut less?? 3" is a CUT.. to me... I just couldn't let that go that easily.. How do YOU think your ends look and could you deal with them??

My hairstylist did tell me that my ends were thin, she didn't say brittle though. I think Reniece is wonderful though and her pics certainly speak for themselves. I have until May to make a decision if I am going to let her cut my ends. She said maybe 3 inches, she wants to see my hair wet though. We'll see.
does anyone know how to contact her? i dont live in MD but i would love for her to do my hair one day. i wouldnt mind hoppin on the greyhound for dem results!
Just no. Overbooking is why people dont even want to go to stylists anymore.

But if you are going to get a sew-in weave, I dont think it matters if you cut it now or later, so I'd wait and see.
does anyone know how to contact her? i dont live in MD but i would love for her to do my hair one day. i wouldnt mind hoppin on the greyhound for dem results!
Wait in line, she probably wont take anymore new clients. It is that serious. I wish she would teach a stylist or two so she could take more people.
I would listen to her if I were you. Reniece does my hair and she has done nothing but the best for me & my hair. I travel to her by the way.
No, I don't want anyone to think you have to wait in a line all the time. About once a year or every two years she said, she opens up her books and takes on new clients. Now, the women that were there today will get appointments and from then on there is no waiting, just this one time a year. She runs her business very professionally and is extremely sharp. She has an extremely long waiting list.
I understand what you mean, it can get depressing to have to go back to a shorter length when your goal length is so close, but I would go with her suggestion and cut those ends.

You're very lucky to be able to see a hair expert like Reneice, she wouldn't steer you wrong, unlike some other stylists.

Health first, then Length...I would rather be a healthy, bouncy SL :gorgeous:, than a limp see through BSL :hair:...that's just not sexy at all lol

Your hair will thank you later, good luck!
Wait in line, she probably wont take anymore new clients. It is that serious. I wish she would teach a stylist or two so she could take more people.

She can mold me however she wants. Would love to work for her and learn a thing or two about weaves. I might let her put in a full sew in for me at the end of the year when I pack up for the winter....
Listen to her,it's not that often that a stylist is honest with you and looking after your interest, not just her pockets. There's been evidence in this forum again and again of her skills. I'm not saying follow her advice blindly but I would definitely rather have shorter but healthy and beautiful hair than be BSL with stringy ends. I understand that some of us are scared of trimming but if you trust your stylist I believe, IMHO, that trimming is very good, it makes hair look better and easier to style(specially in a rollerset which is what I do.
I just signed up for her email list. Hopefully I will get an appointment next year. I have never gotten a weave and I never will, but I do want her to straighten my hair like she did for Mwesdi (sp?). By then my hair should be a lot longer (Below BSL)

ETA: I would just listen to her. In hte end, 3 inches isn't that much. Your hair will grow back quick-time
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OP, i would take her advice. She's proven to be worth her weight in gold in terms of her hair knowledge. I was there yesterday as well, I thankfully chose to expedite so I wasn't there that long. She did glance @ my hair but didn't offer any plans for my appointment. I would totally yake her advice. That 3hr wait was because of her expertise and superior skills.
Oh girl you are better than me, cause I would damn near die if I had to get a 3" trim. Is she saying your split ends are 3'' inches long or it will take 3'' cut so that the ends are nice and full. I mean if you have 3" long splits then go on and do the whole cut. But if she's just cutting that much just to make it even then I would pass on the cut and get a small trim especially since you are getting a weave anyways. Thats just me though, take that with a grain of salt because I'm afraid of scissors havent trimmed since dec 08 lol