I went to a salon called Tangles with my hair natchal

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
All I was going in to do was buy my Bumblel and Bumble Shampoo. One of the hairdressers looks up as I am perusing the bottles and asks if he can help me. I tell him that i'm just here to purchase more poo. He laughs with relief and says "Whew thank God. I thought you were here for a press". In my mind I was thinking "how do you even know you are fit enough to even massage my scalp let alone straighten my hair".

I filed that away in my mental rolodex. I will never go to a salon intimidated by natchal hair. NEVER :nono:
I swore off salons right at the beginning of my transition.
I hated them when I was relaxed too.

But now I just love the fear and trepidation I see in their eyes when they look upon the full thick & natural Rudy Huxtable Tresses upon my head.

I would of put that shampoo down and told him about himself. I don't care if I had to drive all across town to get my poo that ignorant man wouldn't of got my money.:nono:
If he feels uncomfortable styling natural hair, he probably isn't very good at his craft anyway. Forget him and that store! Too rude for my hard earned dollars.
I think that was very rude and very unprofessional. I haven't been to a salon since I went natural I did go to a dominican salon to get a blow out thats about it and that was a trip in itself. 40 dollars I was charged everyone else 23 dollars. My hair wasn't even long it was just touching shoulders.
not only is that really rude it's very common. i wouldn't have brought anything from them

i went into a few places just looking to buy products or to get my eyebrows threaded and i get either rude comments or ignored. :ohwell: i really give up on salons now.

the final straw for me was in nov. when i saw this stylist and liked her hair color and was inquiring cause i wanted it done to my own and all she could say was

"yeh YOU COULD dye your hair like this" :rolleyes: but not offer of a business card or anything else that would help me secure an appointment. and she kept looking at my ponytail like like:perplexed

another stylist behind her was shocked at her tone and had the :blush: face and kept looking back at us.

now if the stylist i was talking to would have said "sorry i don't think i can do natural hair but maybe *insert name* can i wouldn't have been so offended.

needless to say i won't buy s**t from them nor bring my sister there either. people think they can say anything about anyone's hair and get away with it.

my money is just as green as the next person.
The salon is called "Tangles"??? Run!! :perplexed

That's a very odd comments. What was he thinking?

It was raining that night and they were trying to get out of there most likely. He saw my nappy head come in and was probably like "oh s_ _ _" :lachen: No, i will not be going to them anytime soon
I love your hair.

Your hair is so thick and beautiful, he didn't what to "tangle" with your beautiful head of hair! He couldn't hang! Nor was he worthy!