I went to a party My SO was under the dryer?!?!?!? W...T....

LOL. My son is definitely a Divo and he likes to use my peach smelling shampoo and hair oils. My SO likes my peach smelling shampoo too.
My DS grew out his hair at one point and would use up all of my conditioners and had the audacity to use up my Curls Gel-les'c gel ($25 a bottle!!). When he cut his hair short I breathed a sigh of relief LOL
My husband uses sons Neutrogena T Gel shampoo or my Paul Mitchel Shampoo. Older son uses HE HH shampoo and conditioner I bought for myself, but it softens his hair up something nice, so I gave it to him. My other son uses the Nexxus shampoo and conditioner. Thank goodness for the little two they use up the 9 bottles of Loreal Kids shampoo and conditioner I bought!
My DS grew out his hair at one point and would use up all of my conditioners and had the audacity to use up my Curls Gel-les'c gel ($25 a bottle!!). When he cut his hair short I breathed a sigh of relief LOL

My SO used ALL of my Nadicit Olive oil shampoo.:wallbash: I didn't even have a chance to try it twice. lol. I feel u:grin:
:lachen::lachen: girl I am having the same problem with my SO. I was trying to figure out how all my conditioner is going so fast and I only wash me and my daughters hair once a week. I know I told him about cowashing but I did not think he was listening. The kicker is he has a caesar hair cut but has been using my conditioner like water. This fool has been using my nexxus humectress, joico, all my elasta qp creme conditioning poo and I found him using my CoN green label yesterday and my last conditioning cap. He told me my products has helped him get some waves in his hair and it feels soft now since he does cowashes:lachen: I told him he can't complain when I buy hair products anymore because he is using them
Perhaps now is the time to have a family meeting? :look: :lachen: They are using your stuff so I think a haircare "kitty" would be in order. Just dump all change in there for all needed purchases. This should be enforced by you of course.

I think it's cute.
At Christmas, I was bragging to my dad that he wouldn't see one strand of my hair broken off in the bathroom after I combed it.

He got all curious because his hair breaks off a lot. I told him about this board and I gave him some tips. I told him I cover my hair at night because the cotton pillow is drying.

So the next morning, he scares me to death, because I look at him and he looks like he's suddenly bald! Well no, he's got a flesh colored piece of hose on over his hair that he'd slept in.

:lachen: Too funny!!! I told my BFF about the cotton pillowcase thing too and he's now adopted our daughter's satin bonnet as his own. I made a comment about it and he said no, I just like the way it feels :rolleyes:
Tooo Funny!!!

Totally off-topic. I love your (not sure what it's called; siggy or avatar - kind of a newbie so I don't know all the terms :blush: ) picture at the bottom of your posts:-) Is that a picture of you?
Evening Ladies,

Since beginning my hair journey I have of course passed some trade secrets off to my sisters. What I find amusing is the SO and my son are benefiting as well. I washed and DCd the SO's hair on Friday night. On my way out to party he was under the dryer and simply waved as I said my goodbye when I got in he was researching Henna. Ummmmm....:perplexed

Did I mention he is taking flaxseed oil and Chlorella? His beard (they are really big in Philly), mustache, eye brows and over all skin shines...

My son is a little different. At 14 he is interested in the shine and not looking "crusty." He takes flaxseed, moisturizes his hair with coconut oil, and uses my shea butter after a bath like you wouldn't believe.

I LOVE my family I sincerely do but this sharing is getting expensive. I buy Shea and most products on Ebay. I catch or vitamins and supplements on weekly sales and I use coupons.

How are you ladies effecting the male species and how do you keep the costs as bay?
I couldn't figure out why my products always ended up somewhere other than where I put them. I thought my kids were getting in my stuff.

Turns out my SO uses - facial scrub, moisturizer, scented shea butter (I whipped up), coconut oil, herbal oil.

He no longer gives me the side eye when I buy products (using his account). I've finally got him trained ya'll :grin:. He sees how much time and effort I put into making sure everyone's hair looks nice coupled with the fact that he's using half the products himself.

He even researched some products to make his bald spot grow in. It stinks, but it worked. He says it's formulated for men. :ohwell:
freaking hilarious - LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You ladies are lucky I cannot get my DH to take any sort of vits. He is such an alpha male and sees that as too girly.

On the other hand that man forgets there are only two people in the house and unless my shampoo and considh are having a party when I am not there someone is using them. He always uses my more expensive body lotions that I use at the weekends. He also loves being pampered so I give him loads of massages with essential oils and give him facials and head massages which I cannot speak to his friends about....


My boo wants hair growth tips because he's experienced a bit of balding at a young age, but I would die if I came home and found him under my dryer :grin:
I am so glad I am not the only one. My SO is such a man's man but he told me "Babe I like to look good too. Natural is the way to go." He used to play football and says he never was allowed to really focus on his FYNE-ness. I am crackin up..

Dammit!! The Saints won!
DH has a ton of hair, nearly waist length, and he is always in my products and under my dryer. I once posted a pic of him using my Hello Hydration.

Just go with it. There really is no point in trying to hide products. They will find them or put you on the spot and ask the whereabouts. You really can't just lie and go on using the products or else you'd have to always wait for him to leave.

What I did was start having DH chip in to buy products. He had already paid for the Pibbs so I could not really complain about him using it.
my brother was washing everyday with head and shoulders shampoo/conditioner (the dreaded 2 in 1) to try to get rid of his dandruff/dry scalp. he saw how my mom and sister were suddenly growing all this long, healthy hair and came to me one day asking me if "that hair site" could help him with his problems :lachen:

fast forward...he switched from stealing my suave clarifying shampoo (and VO5 conditioners once he discovered cowashing) to falling in love with my aussie moist...so much that i had to start buying the pump bottle! according to him, his hair didn't feel dry anymore, and the dandruff magically went away. he started growing his hair out and tried my cantu shea butter on a whim one day...that was the end of that after he told me it was the only thing he had tried that kept his scalp moisturized without buildup! luckily, he can get these things from wal-mart and they are inexpensive, but he will still use mine if he runs out of something!

he started wearing small two strand twists for a week at a time and then rocking a shiny, moisturized, defined twistout for a few days, which got him so many compliments from this girl he was trying to impress because she thought those were his natural curls :rofl:

i'm not giving him any more advice!
This is such a cute thread, OP!! The most my hubby does is demand that I make him a shea butter mix when I do my own. He asked me to DC his hair once, which I did, and while he loved how his hair felt and looked afterwards, he never did it again because it's time consuming...keeps him away from PS3. LOL!!!

I'm glad my husband doesn't use my stuff, though. The shea butter is quite enough....

Your husband sounds so precious though. Thanks for posting!!

lmao, yep my brother co-washes now! lmao, it's funny to me. He also swears by my shea butter-coconut oil.... I just told him he needs to buy his own stuff!!
:lachen: The only thing DH uses of mine is my MegaTek. :look: Though, he is in love with the body butter I make. :lachen: I just make enough for both of us, now......

I love this thread!!! What a way to support our men's selfesteem..... :infatuated:
Cute story

I give majority of my rejected shampoos/ conditioner to my SO..:look: