I went back to TJ Maxx today and.....


Well-Known Member
they had marked the Kerastase down from yesterday. It dropped from $67+ to $54, still to high for me. I'm going to check once more before surgery and see if its been dropped any lower. I also picked up the one bottle of The Natural Source micro-brewed naturopathic poo, a bottle of Sexy hair soy tri-wheat leave in condish and vigorance serum for damaged hair/split ends.

Actually I only went back to purchase a really pretty earth toned colored shawl that I should've just brought yesterday!!

I forgot to add, they also had some products called "Twisted Sister"
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I read the ingredients for the Keratase and IMO it's not worth it :perplexed But I love TJ Maxx I bought a huge bottle of Pure and Basics conditioner which I love and I buy most of my body washes there
they had marked the Kerastase down from yesterday. It dropped from $67+ to $54, still to high for me. I'm going to check once more before surgery and see if its been dropped any lower. I also picked up the one bottle of The Natural Source micro-brewed naturopathic poo, a bottle of Sexy hair soy tri-wheat leave in condish and vigorance serum for damaged hair/split ends.

Actually I only went back to purchase a really pretty earth toned colored shawl that I should've just brought yesterday!!

I have like 10 bottles of this stuff cause the Base Exchange finally had it. Now I dont see it any more. I LOVE IT! Thank goodness I have enough to last me for a while. They also had some satin goody rollers and I bought all 9 packs of them too. My boys were like dang mommy dont play!
Hey SS, it's good to know you like the Sexy hair leave in. This was the first time I'd ever seen it. There's another post about what I purchased yesterday at TJ Maxx; I thought it was my last shopping trip before my surgery :lachen:.

I just did a search on the Vigorance Serum for Damaged Hair and it's expensive, $38!! I only paid $4.99
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