I was watching Joel Osteen on tv this morning . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I don't really know much about Joel Osteen . . . only that he is a "health and wealth" preacher . . . I usually shy away from those types, but this morning I happened to catch a bit of him on television and I have to say that I really enjoyed his message. I have been feeling down lately and his message (basically about having a mindset of a "fatted calf" as opposed to that of a "skinny goat" -- drawing from the story of the prodigal son) made an impact on me. It really did. So much so that I'm thinking aboutg buying one of his books . . . just wondering if anyone recommends one in particular?


There is something about Joel that reaches people. No matter how down I'm feeling, after listening to Joel, I feel a hundred times better. God is really using that man.
I love Joel Olsteen. He has a new book now (can't think of the name) but try Reposition Yourself by TD Jakes or the Purpose Driven Life - that may be Joel's last book. Both are life changing. Check them out at your local library before spending the 24 bucks to make sure its a good read.
I was watching that too! I told my friend about it and that he had to stop having a skinny goat mentality. It is so true, some of the stuff he talked about I already do now like I will say "I can't afford that right now" I like to listen to him and TD Jakes on Sunday mornings.
I love Joel Olsteen. He has a new book now (can't think of the name) but try Reposition Yourself by TD Jakes or the Purpose Driven Life - that may be Joel's last book. Both are life changing. Check them out at your local library before spending the 24 bucks to make sure its a good read.

The Purpose Driven Life is by Rick Warren.

I am currently reading 'Your Best Life Now' by Joel Osteen. He is so uplifting. I highly recommend this book.
I love Joel. I've been watching him on and off for the past 5 years. When I watching him religiously I felt soo uplifted and inspired. This man soo encouraging :yep:.
I love Joel Osteen. I forgot to watch his sermon yesterday. He's truly uplifting and what I like about him is he talks about day-to-day struggles with everyday people. It's like he's preaching to you one-on-one. I want to get his book, 'You Best Life Now.' I heard it's pretty good.
I've read his book "Your Best Life Now" and it is good. I have a lot hightlighted in the book.

Read it I think you will be blessed.
I've been watching Joel since he started preaching. He has a new book out right now! I can't think of the name, but it is the follow up to Your Best Life Now.

He is awesome! He does say if you make Jesus Christ first place in your life he will take you to places, you've never dreamed of.