I was searching through all the old threads but...


New Member
i couldnt find what i was looking for....so, here it is!

ive become interested in trying out henna for a hair color change. im really going for that two-tone look where the roots are dark and the ends are a bright fabulous color...

the couple of women ive seen with henna hair color have exactly that look, and i wondered if thats what naturally happens with henna, or if im missing something?? also, my hair is basically black, will the henna lighten it?

TIA for any help you can offer!

Hi Shatani
Henna won't lighten your hair but will add nice highlights to your hair. Find pure 100% henna. I have relaxed hair and have been using henna on my hair for the past four months and I just love it. My hair is dark auburn brown with nice burgundy highlights which you can see in the sunlight. I use with my henna is cheap merlot wine and cloves mixed with nettle tea and until the henna is toothpaste consistency then let it sit overnight in a covered plastic container to let the dye release then the next day I add some more warmed heated up nettle tea and add to the henna then stir really well and then apply to my hair and let it sit overnight in my hair with a plastic cap and then rinse really well which usually takes between 15 to 20 minutes to rinse out the henna then I apply acv rinse and then add conditioner to my hair and let it sit for 1 to 2 hours and then rinse. Check the website hennaforhair.com they have really good information about using henna on your hair. If you have anymore questions feel free to let me know.
Re: I was searching through all the old threads bu

thanks bri, that was REALLY helpful!! i was reading that my hair could turn a brassy orange-type color...are you saying that wont happen because my hair is basically black??

also, my hair is natural, does that make any difference??