She is 1 of the hair gods, I was reading her post's while in lurkerdom on here and lol...
So my question is for the Hair Queens on LHCF that know when there hair needs a moisture or protein treatment on wash day.
For us newbies could you guys list the products and steps taken in giving yourself the treatment needed and also you hair type.
I know it's a loaded question lol.
Hair type 4b, very fine
Do You for your moisture/protein treatments : I focus on moisture most of the time and do proteins around touchups, but no hard and fast rule. I'm a nexxus girl and like the "classic" formulars: humectress for moisture, keraphix and emergencee for protein
Pre poo which steps do you take- I usually only prepoo when I'm actually using shampoo and do not follow special steps, depends on how much time I have, but generally coconut milk straight from the can, oils, honey, molasses, eggs, you name, I've tried a bunch of stuff and still have fun experimenting with different prepoos. Sometimes I cover cover with plastic, sometimes I just work in rinse out and proceed with wash . . .
1st shampoo wash which product is used- For 'poo, nexxus therappe or aloe rid to clarify. If I'm doing a keraphix treatment, squeeze dry, apply keraphix generously, cover with plastic and cover the plastic with towel and let sit at least 30 minutes, preferable longer. Then I remove cover, and generously apply humectress on top of keraphix, put plastic and towel back on for another 15 minutes, rinse and proceed to leave ins. If emergencee treatment, squeeze dry, apply emergencee, cover with cap and towel 10 minutes or 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly, squeeze dry, apply humectress, cover with plastic and towel at least 15 minutes, rinse and proceed to leave-ins.
1st conditioner wash which product is used and what steps are taken (do you let it sit or rinse it right out)- I usually do not prepoo when I CW and just apply condish to dry hair, cover with plastic and towel for at least 15minutes, preferally longer. For CW, I use a ton of different cheapie condish and this is where I satisfy the PJ in me without going broke. This also where I satisfy the "experimenter" in me and add stuff like eggs, honey, oil, etc. Most recently been using PJ nourish spa, white rain various, cholesteral various, natures gate various. Don't know what'll be using next week tho! LOL. By the way, when I CW and rinse, I'm done and do not follow what another condish, I just proceed to leave ins. When I henna gloss, I do exactly like CW, except I add henna to condish and apply to dry hair. When I do straight henna, I apply to dry hair, cover with plastic and towel for at least 2 hours, preferably 3 or 4 hours. Then, remove plastic and towel and apply moisturizing condish on top of henna, put plastic and towel back for at least 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly, adding more condish to rinse out the henna, then proceed to leave-ins.
2nd conditioner wash which may or may not contain your protein treatment, What steps do you take- Not applicable to me cause when I CW, I keep it realy simple and do not follow with another condish. I CW, rinse and I'm done and ready for leave-ins. I only do protein treatments after I poo. Don't know why.
3rd conditioner wash which would contain your deep moisturizing conditioner, what steps are taken-not applicable to me
What do you do to your hair after you've done all the washing which products do you use to moisturize and seal with- I squeeze dry and apply a creamy leave-in like nexxus headdress or giovanni direct, fingercombing thruout. Then apply castor oil to ends and then let hang dry with microfiber towel over shoulds. When its about 70% dry, I add sealing oil, usually jojoba thruout, but been using emu oil lately. Then I detangle with large tooth comb. Then put hair in one large magnetic roller low on back of head and tie down snug with satin scarf until completely dry..