I was impressed with Design Essentials....


Well-Known Member
conditioning relaxer. I gave myself a touchup on friday night and it turned out very nice. No burning, and it looks silky. However, I made a mistake that I will never do again. I usually self-relax my hair in sections (front first and then the back). Well I did it all at the same time, doing the left side first, and then the right side and I think the right side is a little bit underprocessed. I noticed it right away after I neutralized. I added some porosity control conditioner with some oil and left it on for about 1 hour and it seemed to help, but I can still see the difference. I was going to do a corrective in about 2 weeks, but I've changed my mind. I only left the relaxer on total time for about 12 minutes because my hair is texturized. The left side came out fine, but the right side is the problem. My hair stays moist most of the time, so I'm not going to worry about it. I did so much to my hair on saturday. I wanted to style it instead of my usual bun. I blow dried, and added styling products so I could style my hair. I put the back part in a french roll and the top part in a bun on top of my head, but I took it down because it didn't look right to me. I re-washed my hair and put it in my usual bun. Blowdrying was a chore within itself. I first dried it with low setting, then added some oils and blowdried sections on high. It was a process. I just kept saying to myself, all that work for nothing. Perhaps I need to restudy Sylver's method of blowdrying because it was not easy for me. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I really like Design Essentials relaxer and can't wait for my next touchup which will be in 12 weeks to correct the problem. Do you think this is wise to hold off putting chemicals in my hair so soon? I will just continue to deep conditioner every week and keep my hair moist paying more than the usual attention to the underprocessed side making sure I am extra gentle with it. What do you think.
No I think thats wise to wait the 12wks being that that is a chemical. Design products rule I love them.:D
I like design essentials relaxer too. As far as the underprocessing goes, I am currently going through it too. I am 6 weeks post and I am just trying to keep going until I am 8 before I relax. Keep the moisture levels up by deep conditioning, and moisturizing daily and you will get thorugh it. Porosity control has been my lifesaver. I use it for just a minute before each deep conditioning session and it makes life a whole lot easier.