Well I got my hair braied the other day and I went in to see Shelly (she does myhair) anyways she was looking at my hair and was like....
"So who did your hair in those tight spirals?" and I'm sitting here like no one? why? and I told her no one my hair just like that.. (since i been taking care of it and adding supplements to my regim) and she just KEPT on insisting that somone put tight spirals in my haair ..i'm sitting here like no.. by this point im feeling really embarrassed and people started coming up and picking though my hair ...they were all shocked because when i came in their like in late March my hair was TORE UP from the floor up.. then after i been taking care of my own hair since late Auguest its been turning around greatly! but anyways she was shocked at how my hair is changing... maybe its the suflur and msn?
"So who did your hair in those tight spirals?" and I'm sitting here like no one? why? and I told her no one my hair just like that.. (since i been taking care of it and adding supplements to my regim) and she just KEPT on insisting that somone put tight spirals in my haair ..i'm sitting here like no.. by this point im feeling really embarrassed and people started coming up and picking though my hair ...they were all shocked because when i came in their like in late March my hair was TORE UP from the floor up.. then after i been taking care of my own hair since late Auguest its been turning around greatly! but anyways she was shocked at how my hair is changing... maybe its the suflur and msn?