I wanted to rip the scarf off her head and.....


shove it down her throat!:lachen:

Alright so Im taking my brothers to my their soccer pratices (Thank the God above for having them pratice at the same place) but there is this Beauty store that has EVERYthing you can think of there, i use to go to this other one but NEVER again.. but anyways so I'm starting at the items cause you know I have time to kill and i was looking a lil rough :look: i admit it.. i didnt have anything on my hair but it didn't look to bad ..but then all the suddlen this lady was trying on a wig and she was talking to this laday and said "Ya my hair was about as short at her" *points over to me... :eek: but heres the kicker...
The freind with the scarf on her head was
like "Ya girl my hair is a nappy mess like hers":eek: :eek: :eek:
I looked at her then the other lady chimed in saying ..."No girl its not nappy is natrual, and she has a pretty cul patterns"

I was so happy the lady said that or i would have probably climbed over the shalf and shoved the scarf off her head down her throat:lachen:
I was just having the same reaciton :eek: until I read the lady's nice response about your hair. :lol: I know I would've wanted to do the same thing if someone said that about my hair. :lol:
I'm confused. Were you mad b/c she said your hair is nappy? Or was it just the way she said it? Nothing wrong with the word "nappy" to me. Anyway, don't let those heffas out there give you a coronary.

ETA: Oh, maybe you were mad b/c she called it a "mess". I prob would have been a little offended too.
i didn't mind that she said nappy but it was the way she was using it..
a "nappy mess?"... i was like :eek: ...

i saw some of her hair and it looked boned straight and she wa stalking about getting it permed again??:ohwell:
They were a hot mess for anything about your hair coming out of their mouths! People say the same things about my daughter's hair. People in my own family! If my daughter's hair is not straight, they have only negative things to say about her natual, curly, beautiful hair! I tell them to stop saying such harsh things to her about her hair; it will cause a complex because she is only 5! It's funny that I get compliments from people of other races about my daughter's hair! Go figure!

But you hair beautiful. I love the curl pattern!:D
Hahha, wonderful! I bet her hair is beautful! I think its funny because white people are always like... "thats so cute how you have your hair cut " while the black girls just stare and are like.. girl when you getting ya hair done? :lachen:
I use MTG on my hair and when I got to work it is usually a mess and the people at work love the way it looks but as you said black people look at me side ways! lol

I love my daughter's hair it is pretty, think and oh natural! Her curls are so amazing! She started kindergarten this year and she has worn her natural curly hair in two puffs everyday! It is way cute and so easy to do; either the night before of that morning!
I use MTG on my hair at night and when I got to work it is usually a mess in a pony tail. The people at work love the way it looks but as you said black people look at me side ways! lol

I love my daughter's hair it is pretty, think and oh natural! Her curls are so amazing! She started kindergarten this year and she has worn her natural curly hair in two puffs everyday! It is way cute and so easy to do; either the night before of that morning!
better you than me. my tounge would have been bleeding for me not to say anything when she said 'a nappy mess.'

Sport your natural girl! With Pride.