I want to SHAVE off all my hair!!


New Member
Anyone else feeling this way about their hair?

I just joined LHCF I believe in May? And my hair did grow but I had to chop it off b/c its extremely uneven and I feel like its back in the same position AGAIN!! The middle is once again shorter than the rest and worst than the rest (sides, front, etc) and I just evened it all out in September!!! Its DRY, I have NOT found my staple products, Its EXTREMELY TANGLY to the point where I really cant take it anymore, my head is always sore after washing and conditioning and its horrific!!

AND I have a weird texture of extremely thick at the root, and stringy all the rest of the way down b/c I pressed for so long!!
I cant even do a wash and go because it looks weird!!

So, I really wouldnt mind shaving it all off!! But my goal is APL and BSL and all that good stuff and that will only prolong this whole process......ugh!! I just really hate this right now!!

Thanks for listening erbody :ohwell:

P.S. I don't want to sound like I am complaining, I am grateful for what God has given me.
Don't give up. Just hang in there. Can't say that I have felt that bad about my hair but just try and hang in there. Saw your fotki and your hair is very pretty
That's how I feel because even though I managed to get it to APL for a hot SECOND, it did not matter because it all shed and broke off back to the same 'ol SL! :cry: My scalp is crazy dry right now and peeling :eek: ! After all of these years on the boards you would think I would finally know what to do, but I do not! Any time I take one step forward, I take two giant steps back. I am DEPRESSED and defeated.:wallbash:

Sorry I could not be of any assistance.:(
If that's what it takes maybe you should try it. I mean you don't need to SHAVE it all off but maybe a big cut is due. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, especially heat damaged hair. With all the knots and tangles natural hair seems harder to turn around. I think you should really think about it fully tho, it is winter now and the seasons affect our hair and scalp ALOT, that could be a factor.

Everyone will tell you consistency is key, with products you have to try them for about 2 months before you shelve them if they seem "unimpressive" at first. For now I think you should try and get into a routine, get some of the cheapy products the nappys are raving about and try them - lekair cholesterol and a denman brush work wonders for my 4" hair and my brothers 12" hair and that's like $3, cowashing is everyones friend, braid your hair up at night so it tangles less and stays moist, MOISTURISE MOISTURISE MOISTURISE. Seriously. Maybe 3 times a day. You're obviously headed in the right direction by the looks of ur siggy so just keep at it and if in a couple of months theres no improvement maybe you can consider a cut.

HTH and stay positive! :)

ETA: Stay away from the extreme heat!
I've had the same feeling too, and after seeing your fotki album I can honestly say: you don't have much to worry about, you have beautiful hair. I'm dealing with the exact same problem of uneveness, and yes, it's very annoying but I've decided that I'm going to remain patient for at least another 6 months or so, it's worth it;).
You may find it easier to actually cut the stringy part off. That hair is damaged kinda like hair from a growing-out relaxer would be. I totally understand where you're coming from though. I would urge that before you decided to shave it all off, you try a few deep conitioning treatments (let the conditioner sit on your hair for awhile, 15-20 mins with heat...an hour or two without).

You gently clarify - maybe you have buildup and that's causing the dryness.

Look at the conditioners that you're using. If you're using a lot of protein, that may be why you're experiencing dryness.

It may be time to try some cholesterol. My hair (now natural) responds really well to cholesterol (1/4 cup approx) mixed with honey (1 tbsp) mixed with some Aubrey GPB (light protein - 1/8th of a cup). I also find that my hair loves Avocado oil (sometimes I mix 1 whole avocado into my conditioner if I don't have oil available). Since I have gone natural, I haven't needed strong protein, when I need more protein than usual, I just use Aubrey GPB straight out of the bottle.

It has been a few months since I used a conditioner straight from a bottle. On the rare occasion that I do, I like Suave's Nexxus Humectant conditioner mixed with some honey.

I hope you can figure out what's causing the dryness. The middle of your hair is likely a different texture that just needs a little more tlc. Do you pull or manipulate that hair more than the other hair? Could it be that a hairstyle you're wearing puts stress on your hair there? Maybe you wear a bun there?
EbonyPerez said:
Anyone else feeling this way about their hair?

I just joined LHCF I believe in May? And my hair did grow but I had to chop it off b/c its extremely uneven and I feel like its back in the same position AGAIN!! The middle is once again shorter than the rest and worst than the rest (sides, front, etc) and I just evened it all out in September!!! Its DRY, I have NOT found my staple products, Its EXTREMELY TANGLY to the point where I really cant take it anymore, my head is always sore after washing and conditioning and its horrific!!

AND I have a weird texture of extremely thick at the root, and stringy all the rest of the way down b/c I pressed for so long!!
I cant even do a wash and go because it looks weird!!

So, I really wouldnt mind shaving it all off!! But my goal is APL and BSL and all that good stuff and that will only prolong this whole process......ugh!! I just really hate this right now!!

Thanks for listening erbody :ohwell:

P.S. I don't want to sound like I am complaining, I am grateful for what God has given me.

maybe you can put your hair in a pony tail, saturate the ponytail with coconut oil, and put a sanwich baggie over it, and then a bun cover, and protective style for two months to start out. I think that'll gets your ends in shape, and help you to retain length too:)
Don't give up Ebony! I agree with what the other ladies have already suggested...maybe your hair just needs a break. Maybe you could try a phony pony or bun for awhile, or braids. Something that you won't have to "do" every day.

And like dimpalz suggested, maybe you could just cut off some of the damaged ends instead of shaving it ALL off. Hang in there, sis, it's gonna be OK!:)
I got all my hair shaved off back in May of 2005. Remember, hair always grows back. And I wouldn't worry about reaching a certain hair length by a certain date. That will drive you crazy. The desire to reach APL or BSL usually happens because of this site and there are several other ladies who have APL and BSL hair. Don't worry, you'll get there one day!
You could start off with a fresh head of healthy hair by shaving it off or cutting it very low. All that pressing has caused damage to your hair. That's why I had all my hair shaved off...because my hair was damaged from the 1 time my mom pressed it.
Or you could do this... Do gradual trims and avoid pressing altogether. Do this until you no longer have stringy hair and until all of your hair is thick like your roots. Then you can focus on growing your hair to APL and BSL. No more pressing! And Please don't worry about length right now until you get your hair back into a healthy shape. Long stringy hair that's damaged from pressing is not pretty.
Hope that helps.
pistachio said:
maybe you can put your hair in a pony tail, saturate the ponytail with coconut oil, and put a sanwich baggie over it, and then a bun cover, and protective style for two months to start out. I think that'll gets your ends in shape, and help you to retain length too:)

I agree with that :yep:, try the baggy method with a moisturizer (s-curl, elasta-q, avocado butter, others) and oil to seal (coconut oil olive or others) try it 2 or 3 months and you'll see the results!
aww boo!!
i feel you!!
dont be depressed tho!!!
some ppl cant even get to SL thats what i try to remember
thats where ive been my whole life... well since childhood and it is very frustrating
i feel you girl!!

NubianQueen said:
That's how I feel because even though I managed to get it to APL for a hot SECOND, it did not matter because it all shed and broke off back to the same 'ol SL! :cry: My scalp is crazy dry right now and peeling :eek: ! After all of these years on the boards you would think I would finally know what to do, but I do not! Any time I take one step forward, I take two giant steps back. I am DEPRESSED and defeated.:wallbash:

Sorry I could not be of any assistance.:(
okay well i havent pressed sinced april!!
i just havent found the right products and i dread even washing y hair because the tangles are impossible
i have yet to try lekair... that may be next
right now redken all soft heavy cream is on my list

the thing is that i would consider a cut, but im just going to end up pressing it anyway, this is why im trying to grow it all... so i can go back to my hot comb
i mean not every 2 weeks but more often

dimpalz said:
If that's what it takes maybe you should try it. I mean you don't need to SHAVE it all off but maybe a big cut is due. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, especially heat damaged hair. With all the knots and tangles natural hair seems harder to turn around. I think you should really think about it fully tho, it is winter now and the seasons affect our hair and scalp ALOT, that could be a factor.

Everyone will tell you consistency is key, with products you have to try them for about 2 months before you shelve them if they seem "unimpressive" at first. For now I think you should try and get into a routine, get some of the cheapy products the nappys are raving about and try them - lekair cholesterol and a denman brush work wonders for my 4" hair and my brothers 12" hair and that's like $3, cowashing is everyones friend, braid your hair up at night so it tangles less and stays moist, MOISTURISE MOISTURISE MOISTURISE. Seriously. Maybe 3 times a day. You're obviously headed in the right direction by the looks of ur siggy so just keep at it and if in a couple of months theres no improvement maybe you can consider a cut.

HTH and stay positive! :)

ETA: Stay away from the extreme heat!
hmmm i think i dont show it enough tlc... its so hard to get back there!!!
and this stringy part.... consists of 80% of my hair... i have about 3 inches that are my "natural" hair
I usually just cornrow and twist so no buns
I think its just a nappy part that gets on my nerves!!! No Im JK i think its because I dont get to it like the rest of my hair

ThursdayGirl said:
You may find it easier to actually cut the stringy part off. That hair is damaged kinda like hair from a growing-out relaxer would be. I totally understand where you're coming from though. I would urge that before you decided to shave it all off, you try a few deep conitioning treatments (let the conditioner sit on your hair for awhile, 15-20 mins with heat...an hour or two without).

You gently clarify - maybe you have buildup and that's causing the dryness.

Look at the conditioners that you're using. If you're using a lot of protein, that may be why you're experiencing dryness.

It may be time to try some cholesterol. My hair (now natural) responds really well to cholesterol (1/4 cup approx) mixed with honey (1 tbsp) mixed with some Aubrey GPB (light protein - 1/8th of a cup). I also find that my hair loves Avocado oil (sometimes I mix 1 whole avocado into my conditioner if I don't have oil available). Since I have gone natural, I haven't needed strong protein, when I need more protein than usual, I just use Aubrey GPB straight out of the bottle.

It has been a few months since I used a conditioner straight from a bottle. On the rare occasion that I do, I like Suave's Nexxus Humectant conditioner mixed with some honey.

I hope you can figure out what's causing the dryness. The middle of your hair is likely a different texture that just needs a little more tlc. Do you pull or manipulate that hair more than the other hair? Could it be that a hairstyle you're wearing puts stress on your hair there? Maybe you wear a bun there?
the thing tho girl is that when i smash all my hair together it gets soooo tangly
so what do i do then?
detangle everyday?

pistachio said:
maybe you can put your hair in a pony tail, saturate the ponytail with coconut oil, and put a sanwich baggie over it, and then a bun cover, and protective style for two months to start out. I think that'll gets your ends in shape, and help you to retain length too:)
EbonyPerez said:
the thing tho girl is that when i smash all my hair together it gets soooo tangly
so what do i do then?
detangle everyday?

If it doesn't work for you may be you should try others protective styles (braids, twist, cornrows) !
Thank you everyone for all your speedy responses!! You guys really made me feel better!
I want to say that I do not press my hair anymore!!
Stopped in April!
And as much as this stringy parts bother me, I do want to press again once I reach my goals
The difference will be that I take care of it this time, and dont do them as frequently
Before, I pressed q2weeks AND I didnt put any product on it in between nothing, just let it go and wrapped it and let it go!!!
I do need to find out how to get rid of these tangles I get every single time I wash.
It makes me not want to wash!!!
And right now I keep my hair in cornrows, twists, or twists outs!!
I do baggie my ends in both styles every night!!
So that I am doing
I am scared of buns though because my hair tangles in them!!

Any more suggestions???

EbonyPerez said:
okay well i havent pressed sinced april!!
i just havent found the right products and i dread even washing y hair because the tangles are impossible

As for washing, have you tried washing in braids? Detangle your hair while it's dry, then put it in about 6-8 big braids (with barrettes on the end if necessary). While you're in the shower, wet your braids, and pour some diluted shampoo over them. Massage your scalp and squeeze the later into the braids. The details are on the Crown & Glory website (http://www.growafrohairlong.com/shampooingnatural.html). I just tried this method for the first time this weekend, and I really think it helped!
hmm good idea
iim gonna check that one out
thanks girl!

preciousjewel76 said:
As for washing, have you tried washing in braids? Detangle your hair while it's dry, then put it in about 6-8 big braids (with barrettes on the end if necessary). While you're in the shower, wet your braids, and pour some diluted shampoo over them. Massage your scalp and squeeze the later into the braids. The details are on the Crown & Glory website (http://www.growafrohairlong.com/shampooingnatural.html). I just tried this method for the first time this weekend, and I really think it helped!
EbonyPerez said:
hmm good idea
iim gonna check that one out
thanks girl!

also if you feel your hair is too tangled to detangle dry you can apply conditioner(something with alot of slip) to dry hair and detangle that way then braid, rinse and wash
destiny616 said:
also if you feel your hair is too tangled to detangle dry you can apply conditioner(something with alot of slip) to dry hair and detangle that way then braid, rinse and wash

Yep! S-Curl is also great for detangling hair, wet or dry.
The tangles is why I recommended the deep conditioning. You are basically transitioning out of your pressed hair. I transitioned out of relaxed hair, but I had really atrocious tangling about 4 months into my transition.

The way I got through it was #1 a really good trim and #2 good deep conditioning. I found that I needed to deep condition weekly for a month or two and really take my time to get the tangles out. I would say after about 2 weeks the tangles were much better and by the 3rd week they weren't really there any more. Mine were close to the roots and along the hair shaft. The trim that I got (really more like a 2 inch cut) helped minimize the tangles at my ends.

edited for spelling.
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Poohbear said:
I got all my hair shaved off back in May of 2005. Remember, hair always grows back. And I wouldn't worry about reaching a certain hair length by a certain date. That will drive you crazy. The desire to reach APL or BSL usually happens because of this site and there are several other ladies who have APL and BSL hair. Don't worry, you'll get there one day!
You could start off with a fresh head of healthy hair by shaving it off or cutting it very low. All that pressing has caused damage to your hair. That's why I had all my hair shaved off...because my hair was damaged from the 1 time my mom pressed it.
Or you could do this... Do gradual trims and avoid pressing altogether. Do this until you no longer have stringy hair and until all of your hair is thick like your roots. Then you can focus on growing your hair to APL and BSL. No more pressing! And Please don't worry about length right now until you get your hair back into a healthy shape. Long stringy hair that's damaged from pressing is not pretty.
Hope that helps.

Your advice is just what the doctor ordered...for the OP and myself. I have been so frustrated because I'm in a rush for my hair to get to where I want it. Its very frustrating to set a time limit or worse yet trying to beat someone else there (my problem). I feel like such an idiot but I started growing out my hair before this other person and my hair grows fast but has suffered so many set backs like the severe shedding and breakage that I've had to keep trimming it and its no where near where it should be by now. This other person has much thicker hair and its beautiful and even though its shorter than mine, its prettier and its nice and even and will certainly shoot right past mine soon. I'm so aggravated because I'm doing all this "good" stuff to my hair and she is doing nothing but relaxing regularly, shampoo and 2 minute conditioning, flat ironing every day and trimming very often and her hair is awesome.:(
We have to be very patient and focus on health instead of length. The length will come once the health is established. Sounds easy but is definitely NOT easy.
Awww, I'm sorry. :( I think a lot of us have been in that position. I know I have... more than once. :yep: I've had major cuts twice now and I can see a third one coming. Basically all my pre-LHCF hair will have to be chopped. I hoped I could keep it, but it's still thinner on one side.

Anyway, I would focus on getting the regimen down. If you have dry hair now you'll have a hard time growing it back out even if you shave it. Focus on finding what it wants/needs and let the dates and length goals go. At least for now.
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okay well i havent done this faithfully
so i WILL deep condition every single time i wash
and wash more frequently
i can do this

thanks! :D
ThursdayGirl said:
The tangles is why I recommended the deep conditioning. You are basically transitioning out of your pressed hair. I transitioned out of relaxed hair, but I had really atrocious tangling about 4 months into my transition.

The way I got through it was #1 a really good trim and #2 good deep conditioning. I found that I needed to deep condition weekly for a month or two and really take my time to get the tangles out. I would say after about 2 weeks the tangles were much better and by the 3rd week they weren't really there any more. Mine were close to the roots and along the hair shaft. The trim that I got (really more like a 2 inch cut) helped minimize the tangles at my ends.

edited for spelling.
EbonyPerez said:
any brand in particular?
girl i need detailed instruction

It's the one in the blue and white bottle. I spray it on my dry hair to detangle (if my new growth is matted), and some other ladies have used it on wet hair to detangle after washing.
EbonyPerez said:
hmm good idea
iim gonna check that one out
thanks girl!

What she said!!!

I mean, really...if you haven't tried sectioning the hair to detangle while in the shower, I would strongly recommend you try this first. It has made such a difference with my hair.

Last year I didn't know what I was gonna be able to do with my hair cause I could no longer wash it at the length it was getting to...too many tangles to deal with!! It turns out, because my hair was growing, I just needed to learn a new way to deal with it, that's all.

I twist my hair into sections and it gets TOTALLY saturated with water and a conditioner. I only detangle with a wide tooth comb or "detangling brush" while it's still totally wet with conditioner, and that's underneath running water as well. I hope you will try this method and let us know your results! :)

I would really like to know...how have you been detangling it up until this point?? Have you been just combing it dry? If so, maybe your current method has you "thinning out" your own hair unnecessarily...? Just a thought.
yes I must really consider this!!!
I usually detangle while conditioner is in my hair whenver I wash it
And i just section it and detangle it
But I think it gets tangled while its in twists so I need to do thos more frequently
and mashing all my hair together to wash it is NOT working for me
SO i am going to try keeping it in sections while washing and conditioning

zzirvingj said:
What she said!!!

I mean, really...if you haven't tried sectioning the hair to detangle while in the shower, I would strongly recommend you try this first. It has made such a difference with my hair.

Last year I didn't know what I was gonna be able to do with my hair cause I could no longer wash it at the length it was getting to...too many tangles to deal with!! It turns out, because my hair was growing, I just needed to learn a new way to deal with it, that's all.

I twist my hair into sections and it gets TOTALLY saturated with water and a conditioner. I only detangle with a wide tooth comb or "detangling brush" while it's still totally wet with conditioner, and that's underneath running water as well. I hope you will try this method and let us know your results! :)

I would really like to know...how have you been detangling it up until this point?? Have you been just combing it dry? If so, maybe your current method has you "thinning out" your own hair unnecessarily...? Just a thought.
okay will get
even though i hate spraying stuff because it makes my hands tired lol!!!
but i will abso do!!

preciousjewel76 said:
It's the one in the blue and white bottle. I spray it on my dry hair to detangle (if my new growth is matted), and some other ladies have used it on wet hair to detangle after washing.