I want to Rave about a new product I found


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if it is available in all area's yet

Its called New Oasis Herbal Oil COnditioner

I have a pic in my fotki (sorry too lazy to load it on photobucket)


Ingredients : Natural Herbs, Wheat Germ Oil, Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Fruit Oil, Protien and Fragrance

I like it better than my Kemi Oyl also because it actually lists the ingredients :D
wow, this looks great......thanks for sharing! It's on my list now ;)

ETA: KhandiB do you mind telling me what's in the Natural Oasis Hair & Scalp Conditioner? tia
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Cold Pressed Vegetable Oil, Organically Grown Herbs, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5, Methyl Paraben, Fragrance
I am so into smells. How does it smell? Are you using just as a hair oil?

Thanks for sharing!
I love their products

I have the Tea Tree Oil Shampoo
Herbal Conditioner with Indian Hemp oil
Liquid Grease (Smells yummy and reminds me of CD's Hair balm)