I want to go natural


Well-Known Member
I decided last night that I want to go natural. I am tired of relaxers and I want to see what my hair is like in its natural state. I don't have the support of my husband but I am going to do it anyway. I am going to transition by doing braids for a year and then cut the relaxed hair off. Wish me luck.
Good Luck
Good luck Meka. I myself love the length-showing that relaxing/texturizing gives but doing my own touch-ups is a pain and I can't trust anyone else. Plus I love afro-puffs, so I'm sure I'll be going natural one day.
Oh yeah,
this post was about you.
Good luck! You can do it! Are you going to do your own braids or go to a braider? Keep us updated on your progress and any new product finds.
Good luck! Once your husband sees how beautiful your hair will be in it's natural state, and it will be, then he will come around. Show him some of the albums of those of us who are natural and he'll also see how versatile natural hair is, and that is can grow as long as relaxed hair.
i am going to go to a braider. I might start with micro braids and then go to other braids such as two strand twists and cornrows. Thanks everyone.
Good luck, Meka. Yes, your hubby will come around. It's funny how our SO's can be so against sth we want to do for ourselves at first and then later not only come to accept it but actually come love it too. I know this from experience.
(BTW, I transitioned in braids too.)
You have to go natural for yourself. Explain to your husband why you are going natural and ask him for his support. That's all you can do. Plus you have support here girl!!!
Meka- I am trying to transition too. I have not had a perm since January 30th. I have a lot of new growth now but still a lot of perm left. My family was looking at me like you need to perm your hair becasue the roots are real thick and nappy.
Congrats on your decision. :thumbsup: I'm transitioning myself so I know how some people's reactions can be. Hubby will come around in time.
Because he says that I don't have "good" hair. I told him that "good" hair is hair that stays on your head. Some of his aunts recently went natural and they have what he would call "good" hair and he says that it looks good on them because their hair is curly. I am like my hair is curly also, just more tightly. But I am going to do it anyway b/c I am tired of the scalp problems from relaxers and I want to be myself.
Yep I agree with the other congrats on your decision maybe one day your husband will understand!
Congrats . My husband thought I was out of my mind because I was already dealing with 2 heads of hair and he knows how thick my hair is relaxed. Now even though we have added another little girl to the mix since going natural, he loves my hair. Especially my braid outs. He loves all the compliments he gets from work and having people ask "who does your wifes' hair". Plus you have the support of this board which I did not at the time. Even though I had been natural for about 2 1/2 years by the time I found LHCF, trust me the tips and advice I have learned has really help me on my journey. Once you get to know your natural texture all over again, everything will be a whole lot easier. Just hang in there. Take care Q
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Congratulations on your Transitioning. Yep! Don't worry, your hubby will come around! My SO was worried too at first, but then he started liking it, and now he seems to like it even more. Of course I didn't transition though, I big chopped almost bra length hair off! Hahahaha! It's a wonder he didn't totally trip! I think once he sees how your hair is growing out nicely, he'll be excited as well. For my SO it was all about the lenght, it also helps when I get compliments too like someone else said. When people start complimenting you, he'll also see you through new eyes! Buena Suerte!!
good luck! you will look great!
you may wanna try showing ur husband albums of other natural women so he can see how beautiful natural hair is...hth
lsubabiedee said:
good luck! you will look great!
you may wanna try showing ur husband albums of other natural women so he can see how beautiful natural hair is...hth

[/ QUOTE ]

i agree
You have my support Meka.

I too had problems with relaxers and my scalp. My scalp burned so badly with my last relaxer and thats the reason I decided to transition to hair natural. I have braids and plan to have this as my transition style. I may chop after 6 months then continue to braid until my hair is long enough to wear two strand twists or palm rolls.

Good luck
best of luck, I've gone natural twice.. can't see myself going back this time...
oh, to be clear.. I mean I'm now natural AGAIN and can't see myself relaxing again