I WANT TO GET MY HAIR CORNROWED...but is this pushing it too far?


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is gonna sound really strange and you guys need to hear me out.

I really need to get my hair cornrowed. I had a stylist that was gonna do it for me, but she never got back to me and did not return my calls.

So, today I was talking to DH about this, he mentions that his female "kind of friend" does cornrows.

Well, here is the weird problematic part.....DH and this so called "kind of friend" used to hang out a long long time ago and a couple of times "THINGS" happened back in the day (Lawd, my heart is uncomfortable even as I type this)
I have always known about this and I have met this woman...It was a long time ago I told myself and it was two friends and things happened, it was way way before me.

Now I have met her and everything....but then DH tells me that this woman had tried to throw herself on him when she found out that he had met me........ CAN SOMEONE SAY PIIIIIIIVVVVEEEDDDD OFF!

Would you get your hair done by such a woman?
Am I absolutely crazy to feel like I do not want her hands up in my hair?

I was fine with knowing things happened way back and I met her because she is the only living "friend" DH has and I know from DH's part he will not speak to her unless I am around.
Heck she did my hair for me once before....but now that I know she tried to get with my man after she found out he had met me, I am uncomfortable to let her do my hair.

If I am being weird please tell me. I know it is a long time ago, but I can't understand this kind of woman.

In case anyone is wondering why DH and I still even speak to this woman, it is because when she used to hang out with DH 10yrs ago, she got herself preggo by some dude and when the baby was born DH, his friends and his family did a lot for the baby because this woman used to leave the baby with them while she partied, so DH has always had a good relationship with this woman's daughter( NO DH is not the father) DH and I still help her daughter out when she can't do it because she is out partying and sleeping around.


I will post this in the relationship forum too.

ETA: She has her own Man Now!

UPDATE: The stylist called me back....She will do my hair.

I was not gonna let this woman touch my hair even if the stylist had not called me back.
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You have the right and now reason to feel the way you do. If you think it will be uncomfortable then don't agree to her doing your hair....again. Period.

Leave that unnecessary stress alone. HTH!
First off, you DH is a great man for taking responsibility towards a child that is not his.

Now, if you are heated just thinking about this, you might want to find someone else to do your hair, you might end up finding yourself in a bad situation with this woman.
Um, I think you are trying to ignore that little warning voice that speaks to us women. My experience is that when we do ignore it, we end up regretting it.
Thanks ladies.
I am feel uncomfortable and at the same time, I know that DH has done everything he possibly can to set things straight with this woman.

I feel that its weird for her to touch my hair.

Before I knew about her trying to get with DH after he met me, I was ok knowing what had happened year and year back.

but her trying to get with him was 4yrs ago, that is not far back to me and what kind of woman wants to get with a man who is clearly in love with someone else?

Sorry, I am venting Again:wallbash:
Please don't apologize, you are feeling frustrated and need to get it out, it's okay, talk it out. Your mind is trying to process this new information.
Thanks hopeful. I think it is one of those things that I already know the answer, but just need people to hear me out and respond so that I can think clearer.

nah boo, hell no. i don't even like people touching me cause of their bad spirits and whatnot, nevermind having your hands all up in my hair. no thank you.
She sounds like trouble to me. She is like a wolf hiding in the bushes...just abiding her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce! If I were you, I would request your DH not speak to this woman again, much less do your hair. You really have to listen to your instincts....God gave them to you for a reason.
BTW: She has her own Man now!

From what you wrote, she clearly did not respect the fact that your man was with you...so what makes you think she is not capable of disrespecting her man? Her having a man does not take the right away from you to feel uncomfortable with this situation.

I have been in a similar situation. She sounds very sheisty to me.
No, I went to this stylist who DH dated years ago and she suggested a three-some and threw hints at him after I had been going to her for awhile. DH and I found out about all this from her friend and dropped her like a bad habit. She had the nerve to act like she was a friend.
Even if she has her own man, she could still be jealous of your position. I wouldn't let her anywhere near my hair. Who knows what she might do to it?!
she might mess you up. I wouldn't even think twice. Don't let her touch your hair. Ask around if you see people with braids you like and see where they get there's done and try there stylist out.
Like the other ladies, listen to your gut. I wouldnt let her touch your hair. I hope you find a braider soon.
please find someone else to braid your hair. don't open up that can of worms. i know how it can be when you just really want to get your hair done, but these are NOT desperate times for desperate measures.
I would just try really hard to find someone else to do my hair...if i was you. I was uncomfortable just reading about it! Yeah, you all may be "cool" with each other, but if i wouldn't want someone my husband use to mess around with messing in my hair...i would feel too weird.
Oh, how I hate 'baggage'. Don't worry, you are not odd at all for not wanting her hands up in your hair.
To save any drama, I would just get my hair done by someone else!
Thanks Ladies. I already knew what the right thing to do was, I needed to vent and to get some objective feedback.

Appreciate it.
That is way too much drama. I would find a different braider. That is admirable what the two of you are doing for her child, but beyond that leave it alone.
I agree with all the other ladies. Don't let her braid your hair. The less you can get involved with this woman, the better. Who knows what's going on in her mind or if she has any plots to still get with your man. Her having a man means nothing nowadays. You guys help out with her daughter, great, but leave it at that. Call around difference salons, ask people in the streets who have their hair braided nicely. You can find someone else to do your hair in no time, if you do your homework. I'm sorry this situation is stressing you out a little. Hope you find a braider soon.
YAY....The stylist called me back. I am getting my hair done by her.

I am so excited....I need a break from my hair:yep: