I want to cut my hair!! (its long)


New Member
I want to cut my hair!!

I've had long hair pretty much as long as I can remember..atleast 5 or 6 years old. Currently I have about 23 or so inches of hair. I wouldn't mind cutting off about 10 inches. I am transitioning and this wouldn't be the big chop..since i have aout 3-4 inches of new growth...but it might help me to transition better.

My DH says, its my hair so I should do what I want. My mom has always put these notions in my head "You won't look good with short hair", or "You don't have the face for short hair". My grandmother always quotes "A woman's hair is her glory", or something like that. My grandmother has never cut her hair. It is about shoulder length for her but she says as she got older it broke off. And she does have a lot of hair, thick, especially when she washes it and lets it hair dry. Anyway, these are the people that probably wouldn't want me to cut my hair, just because i've "always" had long hair. Like its my staple or something. It will grow back especially since I know how to take better care of it now. I had mentioned this to my mom a few weeks/months ago, and she was like..what did DH say, or what did your father say. Its not like I dont like long hair..but I just want a change and for it to grow back healthy and this time it will be natural. I don't want to have a really short cut, but only about 13 inches of hair. Then I could donate it to Locks of Love or something.

Anyway.. has anyone ever had this problem. I'm 24 and I don't think i'll cry if its gone..It will be different though.
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You hair is really pretty, long, and lush! I think you should get layers cut in your hair, have the shortest layer start at chin level and have it come into your face. I think that will be a hot look on you ;)
curlilocs said:
You hair is really pretty, long, and lush! I think you should get layers cut in your hair, have the shortest layer start at chin level and have it come into your face. I think that will be a hot look on you ;)

Thanks for the advice. Would it still look hot if I wore it curly. So many options :)

Thanks Curlilocs
lalabanks said:
Thanks for the advice. Would it still look hot if I wore it curly. So many options :)

Thanks Curlilocs

Definitely! My hair is not as long as yours, but I have layers and wear it curly all the time!
I cut my hair from brastrap to an ear length cut and I loved my hair, it was to shoulder length w/in a year so I did not have short hair for too long. No one wanted me to cut my hair either, when I showed my stylists the cut I wanted she tried to talk me out of it, but I did not let her, and I am glad that I tried it, I was able to experience somthing different with my hair. Good luck with whatever you decided :)
You can cut your hair if you want to. I really don't see a problem. It is after all YOUR hair and you are the only person who really has to deal with it. Everyone can not run your life and I don't think hair is serious enough that you really need to consult your family to change styles. If YOU don't want to cut it then don't.
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ThickHair said:
You can cut your hair if you want to. I really don't see a problem. It is after all YOUR hair and you are the only person who really has to deal with it. Everyone can not run your life and I don't think hair is serious enough that you really need to consult your family to change styles. If YOU don't want to cut it then don't.

I hear what you are saying..and I agree. Knowing me..i'll show up and have it cut...:)

They ran my life while I was in grade school K-12...i was not allowed to cut my hair since I was in the house.. but now that i'm "grown"..they try to find other ways to sway me.
I say go for it and cut it. I have the same problem with my family, it's like they define me by my hair. You seem like you have thought about and are comfortable with the decision and will not regret it later so I say go how the spirit moves you.
chocolate01 said:
I say go for it and cut it. I have the same problem with my family, it's like they define me by my hair. You seem like you have thought about and are comfortable with the decision and will not regret it later so I say go how the spirit moves you.

Yes..my family does the same thing. Now to find a hairstylist that will cut it :)

Thanks :)
oh my god, i feel like i was just reading something i may have written! i was going through the exact same thing for the past few weeks. i wanted to cut a lot of hair off and donate to lock of love and everything! but i kept bouncing the idea off of different people to get support. i found no one! lol. i got a cut wednesday night and I LOVE IT!!

it really has revitalized my transitioning process. my last relaxer was july 2004 and, last time i straightened it, was the same length as yours, probably same thickness too. now when i do a twist out, the longest layer hits my shoulders. this is the shortest i've ever had my hair my whole life but i love it!! i'll probably keep it this length for another 9-10 months with regular trims. hopefully by the end of that time, i'll have grown out all the relaxer in my hair.

anyway, i say all that to say, get a cut, a good cut. you'll definitely feel better about transitioning.
Girl do what you want for you. If you want to go short go shorter; if you want longer grow it out - just dont live for anyone else. You seem really excited about going shorter so go for it :). I went shorter when i B.C.e'd and my husband was super supportive as well. Have fun and you can also donate to Wigs for Kids, that's who i sent mine to. Good luck ;). -- jainygirl
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dada315 said:
oh my god, i feel like i was just reading something i may have written! i was going through the exact same thing for the past few weeks. i wanted to cut a lot of hair off and donate to lock of love and everything! but i kept bouncing the idea off of different people to get support. i found no one! lol. i got a cut wednesday night and I LOVE IT!!

it really has revitalized my transitioning process. my last relaxer was july 2004 and, last time i straightened it, was the same length as yours, probably same thickness too. now when i do a twist out, the longest layer hits my shoulders. this is the shortest i've ever had my hair my whole life but i love it!! i'll probably keep it this length for another 9-10 months with regular trims. hopefully by the end of that time, i'll have grown out all the relaxer in my hair.

anyway, i say all that to say, get a cut, a good cut. you'll definitely feel better about transitioning.

Thanks for the advise...do u have any pics..