I Want To Change My Religion!!! (long)


New Member
I've been baptized, had first communion and confirmed Roman Catholic, I've attended private Catholic school from 1st-12th grade.:nuts:

In high school, I realized that there are many things that I don't agree with and a lot of things that "just don't add up" within the Catholic faith, and although I still (and will ALWAYS) firmly believe in God and Jesus, I do not have faith in the Catholic Church and very VERY rarely attend mass.

My BF wasn't raised in the Catholic schools, but her WAS raised within a devout Catholic family, who used scare tactics from the faith to rear him and his siblings. It had an HUGE affect on him to the point where he's past God-Fearing, now fallen into the hysterical-obsessive (and please, I'm not exaggerating) category, which is sad to see and turns me even further away from Catholicism.

After a few years of feeling this way (I wanted to make sure it wasn't a H.S. thing,) I decided that Catholicism wasn't for me.

Last winter, I attended Baptist funeral services for some family members, and I just KNEW it was going to be a depression-session. I swear to you, within two services, I came out of church for the first time in YEARS of Catholic masses with an actual feeling of enlightenment and a message! I actually PAID ATTENTION to what the preacher had to say, could relate it to MY LIFE, and realize that I understood what was going on!

So, I'm thinking that I'm going to attend Baptist services for a little while longer, just to see if it's for me or not. I may never change religions and stay where I am right now, with my faith in the Lord and Christ, or I may change over, but it's relieving that there is a faith that I can enjoy after wandering from Catholocism.
As the spirit moves you, go forth my sister! My only suggestion is that you read the bible for yourself and ask God for the power of discernment. There are many denominations but only ONE body of Christ. Find a church that aligns itself with Word of God completely and wholeheartedly.

I have no doubt that God will lead to where He wants you to be as long as you sincerely pray and read is Word.

Be Blessed!:)