I want some thick hair!!!!!


New Member
Okay ladies,
So far so good with taking care of my hair-doing the cowashes, taking the biotins, using the MTG's blah blah;) but I was taking a good look at the mirror this morning and while all these aids? are doing a good job, I see something's missing-thicker hair! I want me some thick hair:cry:
How do I get this? what more aid/product can I lay my hands on?
I'm serious y'all:poke: Any suggestions? anyone?:confused:
Gurl how do they get those?
While my hair isn't thin or anything, I still want thicker fuller hair!!!!!!!!!
Are there things we can do to fatten the strands up:D so they double in size?:lachen: - I'm lol while typing this................
Going without relaxers for a while helped my hair thicken up. I only comb my hair during wash days and I also air dry my hair. my ends use to be so thin thanks to stylist. now that I have stop going to them and find a good reg, I have thicken up my own hair and kept the length. I don't know of any aids that will help with thickness. i never tried any. I heard some rave reviews and some not so good reviews on the Jason's thin to thick shampoo, conditioner, and serum. I never tried it myself. U can get the product at vitamin shoppe.
Are you natural or relaxed? That might make a big difference. I don't know of anything that doubles the thickness of the strands but I *thought* that there is a thread somewhere about black castor oil?? thats supposed to help.
favorc said:
Going without relaxers for a while helped my hair thicken up. I only comb my hair during wash days and I also air dry my hair. my ends use to be so thin thanks to stylist. now that I have stop going to them and find a good reg, I have thicken up my own hair and kept the length. I don't know of any aids that will help with thickness. i never tried any. I heard some rave reviews and some not so good reviews on the Jason's thin to thick shampoo, conditioner, and serum. I never tried it myself. U can get the product at vitamin shoppe.

I could have written everything that's in bold!! Because that's my answer to a 'T'!!

Also, henna'ing my hair has helped tremendously also!!
I agree with the poster that said going without relaxers. My hair is so much thicker since I have been stretching my relaxer.
I think someone already mentioned going without a relaxer, but if you find that you just cant, try texlaxing instead. Ive also heard of biotin and other vitamins attributing to thicker hair.
*Bre~Bre* said:
Are you natural or relaxed? That might make a big difference. I don't know of anything that doubles the thickness of the strands but I *thought* that there is a thread somewhere about black castor oil?? thats supposed to help.

I'm relaxed and yes I stretch my relaxer-I only got relaxed after 5 months!
Does castor oil really work? Is it some kind of conditioner or hair oil?
OnAHairQuest said:
Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Boundless Tresses
and B5 vitamins

I'm already using MTG. I believe Boundless Tresses contains sulphur just like the MTG. I'm just wondering if using the 2 won't be too much sulphur for your hair:confused:
shunta said:
I think someone already mentioned going without a relaxer, but if you find that you just cant, try texlaxing instead. Ive also heard of biotin and other vitamins attributing to thicker hair.

I think my next relaxer which will be in Dec will ultiamately be a texlaxing just to keep some body in my hair..... I think looking at all the beautiful thick and healthy hair on this site has made me impatient to have that kind of hair:ohwell:
I guess I have to be patient and wait...wait.........wait.......:ohwell:
B5 is supposed to thicken the hair strands. I'm testing that out now.

I've heard a lot of ladies say BT made their hair much thicker.
deola said:
I'm relaxed and yes I stretch my relaxer-I only got relaxed after 5 months!
Does castor oil really work? Is it some kind of conditioner or hair oil?
Castor oil is a laxitive. You can find it in most pharmacy's. It really does work wonders.