I want my hair done...NOW!!!


Well-Known Member

I want to take these braids down...relax my hair...and get it cut into a bob style.

I currently have a consultation scheduled for tomorrow where I'd plan to tell this potential stylist about my hair. But now I wish I would have made a real appointment....I want it done now! And what if he can't do my hair that same day or even Labor day.

Now........I could just go to the walk-in Walmart.....but I'd hate to regret it.

Any time I'm in the "I want my hair done NOW mode", I end up regretting what I've done...just be calm...How long is your hair now? Oh, the dreaded bob!!
LOL........{{{{{calming down}}}}}


whew........okay. My hair isn't too long. It's about 4-5 inches and it's natural. So, this will be a virgin relaxer for me from a new stylist....and a new cut.
Dont do the relaxer!! ( you probably already have by now, huh?!!) Just get some braids and let it grow! You'll be glad you did!!
LOL.....yes, girl.........it is way too late. I really wish that I would have just gotten it pressed and flat-iron. Ahhhhhwelllll. I think I might try and transition into natural hair again. We'll see.