I want highlights but why does dark hair keep calling me back?


Active Member
My natural color is light sandy brown and every year I tell myself I will stop the dark rinses and go light again with highlights. But dark hair looks so thick and healthy!! I just can't help myself. :)

Anyone else going through this?
girl me too :ohwell:

I think highlights are soooo cute (especially for spring/summer).....but jet black hair is so exotic and healthy/shiny looking......

decisions decisions
Interesting post because I naturally have lighter brown overtones to my #2-ish dark brown hair, and I despise them one me. They look terrific on others, but less than flattering IMO on my skintone (which is light with cool undertones).

So, I'm always seeking black-depositing rinses, conditioners, henna/indigo, and temporary haircolors to cool off the natural warmth tinging my hair.

But recently, I bought a cheap pack of weave in a 1B/33 (off-black with neutral-reddish highlights) and the color was really attractive on me/against my skin. I have also held straight-up reds (cool ones) against my skin and it looks really good.

But I'm just not ready to let go of my commitment to black. It almost feels sacreligious, like I'd be turning my back on what I need (as opposed to what I want). Weird, eh?
Me too! Last year I wanted light brown highlights then the next minute I wanted to be jet black. This year it burgundy highlights, but now I'm toying with going jet black again though. Can't make up my mind. Lol.
I'm wanting a darker version of Sabina Karlsson red, andjet black at the same time. Color is just too much upkeep sometimes, and the bleach needed for the red I want is not sounding attractive!
My hair is naturally very dark brown, and I always said I wanted to go lighter. Well last sept I finally did, and I'm already over it. I kinda regret getting my color touched up 3 weeks ago. After my roots grow out I'm going to ask my stylist to give me a darker color and I'll let my natural dark brown grow out and just be 100% natural (texture & color)
Heres the answer: Fake hair!:grin:

I'd been dying to try auburn and brown but I was terrified of bleaching my naturally dark hair so I decided I'd protective style with the color hair I wanted and get the look without the damage!:yep:

Here's my natural hair color: (I'm on the right)


Here's what my hair looks like now:


So since you feel like you're back and forth on this get the quick fix! That way you can go back and forth without harming your hair:yep:
I have a really strong urge to dye my hair red. (This happens every two years or so. :drunk:)

I've been looking at the red Cellophanes shades like :lick:. But my hair holds on to color--even temporary color--like crazy. I'd never get rid of it. Maybe I should try some wigs . . .