I want 2 say THANK YOU...


New Member
I want to say thank you to anyone who suggested Elasta QP Mango Butter, Elasta QP Recovery Oil Moisturizer, Scurl and Canta Shea Soft Daily Shea Butter Oil!!:D

I just got these products in the mail today off of Savebeauty.com and of course I had to try them out right away. Let me tell you, it could not have come at a better time, right now I am 8 weeks post and my hair was very dry and back in a ponytail until I made it safely to the hair stylist this weekend...but NOW I want to postpone my appointment, because my hair feels so soft and manageable. I feel like I can stretch for another month, without worry about my hair breaking off!

The first thing I did was spary the Scurl onto my new growth, and it made it so I was able to smoothly glide my brush through my hair. I looked down and there was no hair in the sink...so that made me smile.

Then, I parted my hair into three sections, so that I could try each product. I tried the ElastaQP Mango Butter first. I absolutely love the smell and feel of this product(smells like Mango and feels like butter). It gave my hair a good shine and it easily glided onto my hair. I wont be using it as a daily moisturizer, the jar is too small for me to use it up that quickly. However, if I were to use heat (which I am not, since I am doing the 2007 hair challenge), but if I were to use heat, it would be a great protectant. I personally, will be using this for my ends every now and then to keep them strong and to soften the edges of my hair.

Secondly, I used the Canta Shea Butter and I am jumping for joy on this one :clap:. I love the results. This one reminds me of oil that you would put onto a small childs hair that is unruly and tangly. Its perfect for my hair, because my hair tangles easily. It gave me a great shine, smells good and made my hair very manageable, it is the product that I will use for my daily moisturizer!

Last, but not least, the ElastaQP Recovery Oil Moisturizer is my FAVORITE:notworthy ! I will be using this as a daily moisturizer as well, but more importantly, it will be my main moisturizer in my weekly wash routine...My hair was hard from being rained on earlier and it had dried into that yucky frizz look (did I forget to mention, it was nappy too). As soon as I put this moisturizer onto my hair, it instantly became soft and melted in my hand! If you dont have this product...you need to get those sneakers on and run to the store!

I just had to let everyone know of my new found happiness. Hopefully, this helps those who do not already have these products. I am very picky in what I put in my hair, less is more to me. These are definitely going to be my staples from here on out, all my other moisturizers have been thrown out...thank you to my LCHF ladies!!
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We love to hear testimonials like this! Congrats on finding products that you love! Happy Hair Growing!
i am sooooooo broke and i want some elasta qp products sooooooo bad... even more now!

o my goodness!!!!

...i've become........ **whispers** a pj
That mango butter is the BOMB DIGGITY! It's really rare my hair just loves it. I am going to go buy more tomorrow.