I wanna flatiron- Should I or shouldn't I?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
For some reason, I want to bust out the FHI, FHI Hot Sauce and scissors. I want to wear my hair down, give myself a light dusting and enjoy my hair.

If I DO flatiron, I'm not washing my hair. I just washed it two days ago, and the only thing I have in it is Hawaiian Silky :ohwell:

The problem is, I told myself I wasn't gonna bust out the heat till Christmas cause I'm in bootcamp and I just flatironed like 3 weeks ago. But I just wanna wear my hair down. Especially for tomorrow when I go to vote and hopefully celebrate!!! :grin:

So what say you? Should I flatiron or no?
:giggle: have you considered a braid out or something of that nature? Bantus, maybe? I'm giving alternatives because I was JUST sitting here playing w/my hair thinking I may SEDUce it some time this week... I'm trying to leave the heat alone until Christmas as well. We gotta keep each other skrong!!
E, I don't wanna do bantu's or anything like that

I want my hair to be straight and swangin, and I wanna dust my ends! *throwing hissy fit*

I say do it, tomorrow is going to be a really big day and you know you wanna look cute to celebrate:grin:. Enjoy all that pretty long hair.
I say go on and do it. It's just one day, but it's a BIG day. I'll be at the polls with my hair swinging. Come on and swing too girl.
You know what? You've inspired me:yep:, I'm going to make sure my hair looks extra pretty tomorrow too, and I've got to pick out something extra cute to wear:).
I think you should do it. I think I'm going to pincurl my hair tonight now that you say it. I don't know how to flatiron my hair and make it look good.
One more day is not going to set you that far back. I say go ahead and do it. Didn't you get heat passes with boot camp anyways?
One day should be okay - but back to the bun on Wednesday, young lady!! You're using your FHI so you won't be damaging your hair, so I say go for it!!! (I'm doing the same thing tonight)
I am flat ironning my hair for ELECTION DAY. I wanna look good for Obama my boo.

I say flat iron away.
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Tomorrow is a special day and christmas is another 6-7 weeks away... You are not going to suffer a set back from flat ironing those 2 days.

Just makes sure you DC and use a thermal protection.

Enjoy you hair!
E, I don't wanna do bantu's or anything like that

I want my hair to be straight and swangin, and I wanna dust my ends! *throwing hissy fit*


Big baby! Sounds like you have your mind up already anyway. Why can I picture you fallin out in the floor or sliding off the edge of the couch w/your body locked up having a tantrum :lachen:. Now g'won and get outta here before I :spank: :giggle:
I did it :grin:

I gave into the peer pressure. Ya'll made me do it! :lachen:

I've never just used Fhi Hot Sauce alone before. My hair is swangin, and soooo smoove and soft. CHI SI never made my hair feel like this. And I'm BSB now!!! I reached my goal early!!!!!!!!! Yaaay!!!!

I know ya'll wanna see a picture :lol:
This is after I dusted a little off the ends. My finger tips are at the bottom of my shoulder blades, so i'm a little PAST BSB :D

I did it :grin:

I gave into the peer pressure. Ya'll made me do it! :lachen:

I've never just used Fhi Hot Sauce alone before. My hair is swangin, and soooo smoove and soft. CHI SI never made my hair feel like this. And I'm BSB now!!! I reached my goal early!!!!!!!!! Yaaay!!!!

I know ya'll wanna see a picture :lol:
This is after I dusted a little off the ends. My finger tips are at the bottom of my shoulder blades, so i'm a little PAST BSB :D


This is not fair :wallbash: this is poppin!

Now I have to go get some FHI Hot Sauce :rolleyes:
Big baby! Sounds like you have your mind up already anyway. Why can I picture you fallin out in the floor or sliding off the edge of the couch w/your body locked up having a tantrum :lachen:
I was :yep::lachen:
Girl, you better flat iron that hair ...it's your hair , you should not feel guilty to anything to your hair that you want to do. I'll be damn if I let someone else's view deter me for doing something that I want to do to my own hair. Girl , swing that beautiful hair all the way down to the polls and back..lol
tiffers... u silly goose lol Why you swagga jockin me lol?!? You know damn well i flat ironed my hair yesterday... i swear... lol

ooh your hair looks sooo nice! I must run and get sum hotsauce!
I knew this was coming when you posted the pics of your DH's hair! Your hair looks great! Man i cannot wait to reach that length!