I wanna do an Aphogee 2-Step Treat, WGO rinse and AOHSR DC in the same day...


Well-Known Member
That's cool right? Anybody know of any setback issues I could create be doing this, or am I good to go? btw, by WGO I mean Wheat Germ Oil. Thanks!
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You should be okay. I did the same thing yesterday minus the WGO (wild growth oil, right?) rinse. I have done a similar routine in the past using proclaim natural 7 oil though.

The AOHSR is good moisture to balance out the 2-step and the oil will also probably help with moisture retention as well as slippage and detangling after a hard protein treatment.

Good Luck!
I've done the same in the past, but used Aphogee essential oil instead of wheatgerm oil. It shouldn't be a problem, my hair loved it.
this is a very good thing for respecting your protein/moisture balance !! I used to always do it ! even if it's wasn't wheat germ oil I used for oil rinsing, but iit was AOHSR:yep: