I used Silk Elements Relaxer for the first yesterday...


New Member
Hi Ladies,

So as some of you know I've been contemplating a switch from Affirm to Silk Elements. Well yesterday I went ahead and made the switch. I had my sister go to Sally's for me to pick up Silk Elements. They didn't have the relaxer in mild so she had to buy the regular tub.

I decided to add castor oil to the relaxer to weaken it (thanks to the ladies who gave me that advice). BTW the tub was on sales for $10.99!! I pay $50 for my Affirm tub.

Anyway when I got home from work I based my scalp like crazy because I read so many posts about SE burning quickly. I then made 10 2 strand twists in my head to separate the sections. I applied the relaxer as quickly as I could but I could feel it starting to tingle after about 12 minutes. I think the relaxer was on my head for a total of 20-22 minutes. It takes me a while to apply because I just completed at 4 month stretch and my new growth is SERIOUS!

Anyway I rinsed the relaxer out then applied Affirm 5 in 1 for 4 minutes then I neutralized. Anyway when the whole process was done I could feel the ends of my hair creeping further down my back :D, that's such a good feeling.

I see what you ladies mean about it giving you this silky indian texture. My hair is straighter/silkier that it would have been with affirm but only time will tell (probably another 2 weeks or so) exactly what kind of texture this relaxer has produced. I'm glad that my hair didn't become totally straight, which was my fear in switching relaxers. So I have maintained my texlax, just a bit silkier than before.

So far so good! I still don't know exactly how long my hair is because I didn't rollerset/flat iron it to check yet. I'll probably do that this weekend to collect my pics for next week's HYH reveal thread. I just airdried it in a ponytail and am wearing my end tucked under in a huge chignon...I need to take a pic of it, I didn't know my hair could be so big. I guess that's one of the benefits of texlaxing :).

Thanks to everyone who inspired me to try SE!

I would definitely give it two weeks, for some reason this is when the true results show up :confused:

I am happy with Silk Elements and I am glad you liked it:)
Sounds like you had good results so far. This relaxer seems to be pretty popular here. I'm thinking about switching to a good lye relaxer from Phyto to correct underprocessing and frizzies but that burning has me shook tho so I don't know :perplexed .
nycutiepie said:
Sounds like you had good results so far. This relaxer seems to be pretty popular here. I'm thinking about switching to a good lye relaxer from Phyto to correct underprocessing and frizzies but that burning has me shook tho so I don't know :perplexed .

Before you switch there are many who complain about getting frizzy hair from SE. I am not sure if this is the right relaxer if you want bone straight silky hair. I could be wrong though because I texlax.

As far as the burning that usually comes when I don't properly base my scalp and when I dont get all of the BT off of my scalp.
I used Silk Elements about 3 1/2 weeks ago to do a corrective and I did not base my scalp. I never burned and I kept it on for about 25-30 minutes. I have burned with other relaxers in the past but ORS Lye and SE Regular did not burn at all. I mixed mine with about 3 tablespoons of EVOO. I might have to try Castor Oil next time.
trimbride said:
Before you switch there are many who complain about getting frizzy hair from SE. I am not sure if this is the right relaxer if you want bone straight silky hair. I could be wrong though because I texlax.

As far as the burning that usually comes when I don't properly base my scalp and when I dont get all of the BT off of my scalp.

I clarified my hair two days before I did my corrective to rid my hair and scalp of everything. I used Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo and rinsed with ACV. It has been almost 4 weeks and my hair is still silky and bone straight. I think it my have also helped to keep me from burning.

I know from past experience that if my hair is coated with too much product, no relaxer will straighten me. I plan to do the clarifying on my hair a few days before I relax everytime.
MoMo said:
I clarified my hair two days before I did my corrective to rid my hair and scalp of everything. I used Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo and rinsed with ACV. It has been almost 4 weeks and my hair is still silky and bone straight. I think it my have also helped to keep me from burning.

I know from past experience that if my hair is coated with too much product, no relaxer will straighten me. I plan to do the clarifying on my hair a few days before I relax everytime.

Just when I think I know everything I need to know about hair I learn something new :D . You know I never thought about this...but it totally makes sense.
Can you or anyone else compare this to Organic root stimulators No lye or Lye relaxer? That's what I currently use.
Is this product only sold at Sally? There aren't any near me :(
SleekandBouncy said:
Can you or anyone else compare this to Organic root stimulators No lye or Lye relaxer? That's what I currently use.
Is this product only sold at Sally? There aren't any near me :(

Sorry I can't compare to ORS, and I don't use no lye anymore so I can't help you there.

I really like the products that are in this relaxer. It's got great natural products in it, you don't see that in a lot of relaxers.

Yes it is only sold at Sally's. Luckily I live not too far from a Sally's, but it's a caucasian neighborhood so the AA section is limited, which is probably the reason I couldn't find the mild. I'm sure I could have them order it if I want.

BTW your hair is gorgeous! Shiny and THICK! What are you doing to it??
SleekandBouncy said:
Can you or anyone else compare this to Organic root stimulators No lye or Lye relaxer? That's what I currently use.
Is this product only sold at Sally? There aren't any near me :(

I used ORS Lye for my first attempt at self-relaxing and I underprocessed which is why I chose to use SE for my corrective. For the parts that did process correctly using ORS, I liked it as well. The thing about SE is that my hair felt so strong after relaxing, I had very little breakage and my hair felt so moisturized. My hair was bone straight and shiny and it did not have that perm smell after.
MoMo said:
I used ORS Lye for my first attempt at self-relaxing and I underprocessed which is why I chose to use SE for my corrective. For the parts that did process correctly using ORS, I liked it as well. The thing about SE is that my hair felt so strong after relaxing, I had very little breakage and my hair felt so moisturized. My hair was bone straight and shiny and it did not have that perm smell after.

ITA regarding the strength, shiny, and no perm smell. I even sniffed the tub when I opened it, it didn't have that super strong chemical smell that you get with most relaxers. There was a smell, but it was very weak.

My hair wasn't bone straight but I added over a quarter cup of Castor Oil to the relaxer to weaken it since I texlax.
I have been using Silk Elements since January this year. I used to use Fibergaurd but its not available in my area. After making the switch, I dont think I will go back to Affirm or Fibergaurd. SE makes my hair silky and it doesnt overprocess.