I use profanity (infrequently)-How have other Christians stopped?


New Member
My parents did not curse around me, but I picked up using profanity in school and from TV. I know that I shouldn't curse, but when certain things happen...

This is the bad habit that I think is holding me back spiritually. What do you do not to curse or even think about cursing?

(BTW, this is an indictment on me. I am not knocking what other people do, but I really think that this is my personal stronghold:nono:).
Asking how you stop cursing is like asking how you stop chewing your nails. You just do. First of all, there is nothing that God can't help you with. Always ask Him whatever your needs/desires. Also, my advice (...albeit a little hypocritical :look:) is if you catch yourself saying something, literally remind yourself outloud to not curse. (Am I advising you to talk to yourself???...Guess so :)). It has really helped me to tone down.

Being around my family isn't very helpful. It's like a kick the habit, but then they start doing it and I'll start doing it. It's a sick cycle, really.
Same thing has happened to me mango387. I curse infrequently with friends, siblings, and cousins... never cursed with parents, aunts, uncles, older people, or co-workers. I usually use curse words in a joking way and sometimes when I'm really mad. But I know when there was a time I never ever used profanity which was before going to college.

I want to stop too. I know I can. I believe you can do it too. I've gotten better. You gotta put your mind to it. I don't really talk much to people, but when I do, I try to think as if the person I am speaking to is my elder or someone that I do not curse with.

I would also say getting rid of this sin involves spiritual cleansing and renewal. We have to really get in touch with our spirit because trying to do it by our own efforts will leave us disappointed. It may even involved reading Bible verses about it over and over until it's in your heart.

Here are a few Bible verses:

Colossians 3:8 - "But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth."

Ephesians 4:29 - "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

Matthew 12:36-37 - "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Romans 12:14 - "Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not."

Proverbs 15:4 - "A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit."

Hope that helps.
I been trying for years. I think a good start is to use your work mouth 24/7. and ask others not to curse around you.

But when I am trying to express myself and my temper is out of control, there goes my fruit, potty mouth galore. Pray for me and steve harvey.
I use to curse a lot too. especially if I was mad or driving or whatever, but I wanted to stop, I was cursing in my head as well. all the time in my dreams and everything. It was bad, but I really didn't have a filthy mouth, I didn't use the really bad words. So when I was saved for real I prayed to God I said this is a hard thing to conquer but you said nothing is impossible with you and I am claiming that. I also avoided things that reminded me of it. like programs, radio stations, people and there talk I really avoided it for as long as I could until one day I realize I wasn't struggling with it. Its rare very very rare it pops in my mind. I still have bad thoughts but nowhere near what I was having. I believe we should pray and put things in the lords hands and take steps not to fall back into the bad habits. I stopped doing a lot of things that were taking me back to my old habits. I avoided it so much that now I cant' tolerate it at all. I hate to watch a movie with cursing in it. I changed the channel and usually I end up watching 3ABN only all day long. As a result my mind is always on the Lord.
Not saying I am holy then thou - a saying I hate, but that because I spend more time in the word, listening to the word, watching the word come alive and singing it, that's where my mind is at.
This song is always in my head
I woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus

Singing and praying with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Singing and praying with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Singing and praying with my mind
stayed on Jesus

I woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus
Woke up this morning with my mind
stayed on Jesus
ITA w/ the advice you have been given here. I love those passages Poohbear posted
and wanted to add one more I reference from time to time.
James 3:10- Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
Now we know the definition of cursing or what is profane varies from culture to culture etc but it can be a nasty habit. I used to have a mouth that would rival any sailor. From time to time I can still have some very unChristlike thoughts but thank God when I do, I start to speak against them immediately by saying what the word says. Those times are few and far between. For me this is a part of that daily mind renewal, thinking about what I'm thinking about, and then casting down the undesirable thoughts. One day I will not have any traces of those former things in my mind. I stand on this scripture from Phil 1:6
6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

He has already perfected all things that concern us. We are simply walking it out:yep:.
Great advice in the posts.

I don't curse. No curse in my parents house, so no curse in my mouth, no curse in my home.

I see that some people just replace their curse by saying Jesus or God, but as like they are cursing. Sometimes, I want to ask : are you not afraid to blaspheme?
Is it better? I really don't know.

But, I think it's better to pray to be completely delivered from this habit.
Just don't. And it is that simple.

You know it's wrong, it's not ladylike let alone Christ like, so just don't.

Somethings we make harder than it needs to be. cursing is one of them. Just don't curse.

I know, I know, Shimmie's mean. And you're right, I am mean. I do not like it when women (or men) curse, but especially women. It's not attractive and it's being done far too frequently by women. Too many women think it's cute (I'm not saying this of you :nono:) and they are actually proud of it . It's just not necessary.

So yes, call me mean. But the devil is meaner and what comes out of your mouth should not be giving him any glory.

Here's a prayer for you. "Lord, let the words of my mouth, the meditations of my heart be pleasing unto you."

Now I'll say something nice and not 'be mean' but mean what I say.

Precious one, it's so obvious that your heart is convicting you about this and the beautiful of it is that you are so yielded the the love of God to make changes in your life regarding this.

Cursing is a habit that you are not happy with and that you are readly to turn away from. So Know this: Not all of us are perfect. Only Jesus. And He is so pleased that you are taking heed to His embrace upon your heart about this matter.

Good Girl! :love5:
I believe through Jesus Christ you are able to have complete and full delieverance. You dont have to "deal" with any sin. But you can be free from it. Some strongholds are broken through prayer and fasting. The bible says "Evil communications disrupts good manners"....who are you hanging around??? what are you watching on TV????? Things seep into our spirits all through out the day, thats why we have to constantly be in prayer, so we are not conforming unto them. The bible says "be slow to speak and quick to listen", before you talk, think it out. Sometimes if we are running off at the mouth, all types of things are liable to come out :spinning:. But when we are slow to speak and allow the Spirit of God to help and lead us in all areas, alot less mistakes would be happening. I used to have a problem with cursing, but when I was empowered with Holy Ghost, God freed me through that, but I had to KEEP my delieverance through praying, reading my word, avoiding bad environments etc. I will be praying with us on this
Just don't. And it is that simple.

You know it's wrong, it's not ladylike let alone Christ like, so just don't.

Somethings we make harder than it needs to be. cursing is one of them. Just don't curse.

I know, I know, Shimmie's mean. And you're right, I am mean. I do not like it when women (or men) curse, but especially women. It's not attractive and it's being done far too frequently by women. Too many women think it's cute (I'm not saying this of you :nono:) and they are actually proud of it . It's just not necessary.

So yes, call me mean. But the devil is meaner and what comes out of your mouth should not be giving him any glory.

Here's a prayer for you. "Lord, let the words of my mouth, the meditations of my heart be pleasing unto you."

Now I'll say something nice and not 'be mean' but mean what I say.

Precious one, it's so obvious that your heart is convicting you about this and the beautiful of it is that you are so yielded the the love of God to make changes in your life regarding this.

Cursing is a habit that you are not happy with and that you are readly to turn away from. So Know this: Not all of us are perfect. Only Jesus. And He is so pleased that you are taking heed to His embrace upon your heart about this matter.

Good Girl! :love5:

I'm meaner :lachen::lachen:. I don't give a rat's tuchis it's not lady-like. My goal is to push it out after it's run its course. It was there for a reason and it practically served all its purpose. :lol: Yes, it's a habit. However, we should not necessarily stress over human habits, feeling fretful and without hope. Of course, repent, but when down for the count again, get back up and resolve to rise higher. That way, you make steps toward the goal. It's not the cursing that is the problem, actually, it's the emotion, control, anger, whatever behind it.:yep: That has to be conquered as well. Of course, as usual, I take the psychological approach in conjunction with scriptural mandates. After all, we are complex human beings and G-d is one big psychiatrist:lol:. Can you imagine!!!
Everytime I would swear I would say "forgive me lord". That way I was breaking the habit as soon as it occurred. I did stop fairly quickly. Also avoid situations where cussing is acceptable.
Everytime I would swear I would say "forgive me lord". That way I was breaking the habit as soon as it occurred. I did stop fairly quickly. Also avoid situations where cussing is acceptable.

:yep: That reminds me of something father told me, that if I said, "J-," then to finish that with "...is L-rd" or something like that. :yep: Good point.
I'm meaner :lachen::lachen:. I don't give a rat's tuchis it's not lady-like. My goal is to push it out after it's run its course. It was there for a reason and it practically served all its purpose. :lol: Yes, it's a habit. However, we should not necessarily stress over human habits, feeling fretful and without hope. Of course, repent, but when down for the count again, get back up and resolve to rise higher. That way, you make steps toward the goal. It's not the cursing that is the problem, actually, it's the emotion, control, anger, whatever behind it.:yep: That has to be conquered as well. Of course, as usual, I take the psychological approach in conjunction with scriptural mandates. After all, we are complex human beings and G-d is one big psychiatrist:lol:. Can you imagine!!!

ITA, I definitely don't curse like I used to, but I am still in the process of stopping completely. I started paying more attention to the situations in which it happens, and have found it is mainly when I'm angry. I've been walking around with a rubber band on my wrist and I snap it, or my friends snap it when I curse. I was at the point where I didn't even realize when I was cursing, but now I'm more cognizant of my thoughts before I say things.
I hope this will be one of these things that will go away with time.I know exactly what situation makes me go off..my job.Its ridiculous but I know we have free will so I need to invoke that freewill and stop.
I believe the more you grow with Christ, we don't practice our bad habits. I know I do and still curse but I try to catch myself and when I do curse, I admit it to God and ask for forgiveness.
My testimony, I was always a small person and going through school felt helpless to defend myself. My older sister used to take up for me in school, but when she was sent to other relatives for rebelling. I was alone in school, to cope starting in Junior high, I began using a little curse words to show toughness. I began building my vocabulary even though I was raised in a christian background and never heard it at home. By eighth grade I had mastered a few choice words, by 10th grade I was a professional cursor and could curse out the best. At graduation I was guarded around home but used it frequently with friends, going to parties and in shopping and meeting friends. At twenty I met my first love and began to feel like more of a lady around him, I also had an uncontrollable cursing habit. I began to feel UNLADY LIKE around him. I so wanted to impress him and felt like trash with my frequent habit of cursing. He was a working professional and didn't curse quite like me. I eventually got saved by repenting of this horrible God dishonoring habit. I continued to slip and say the words even after salvation UNTIL I realized it DIDN'T PLEASE GOD. I got down on my knees one day and earnestly begged with tears for him to take away this habit as I felt it was not in my heart but had been reduced to a habit. God broke the habit instantly! and I have not had an inclination to naturally reply with a curse word since. Instead I might have and mistake or accident and I might reply(OH NO!, MY GOD!, Oh Man!, Lord Help!) THe devil will try to TEMPT ME like when someone cuts me off on the road lol but, the Bible says to be sober and be vigilant because your adversary walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (Peter)
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A scripture that reminds me of God's plan for me is
John 15 vs 19 "As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world"

Cursing is not of Christ but of the world.

I don't curse but i do use substitutes. Eventually, i will pahse these substitutes out with even more benign forms such as ( oh MAN!) They sound silly at first but with frequent use they become more natural. When i use these substitutes it gives the silent message to those around me - "i don't like cursing" They then, generally tone it down around me. this helps me stay on track. When i hear women cursing, it sounds not just unladylike but crass and unrefined. I don't want to be viewed as such. Also, as Christians, i feel the need to bring others to christ through example. I know a filthymouth is purely secular and the lord wants better for me. the subsitutes I use are

what the fudge!
bleep this!
gosh dang
hooooly macaroni ( not tooo keen on this one because of the "holy" part
jeepers ( once again, i think know that this one is touchy but i use it often)
flippin' (i.e i cant stand these flippin tangles!)
dame it! (not damn but dame)
gosh darn!
SHUCKS! ( my favorite)

OP you can kick this habit. just be proactive. be aware of what makes you swear and be prepared for it. its like you are fresh snow. every time you swear you make a path in that snow. that path becomes more and more established with time. when you chose not to swear, you make a new path. its not established and it's not easy to trod through, but it's there. the more you chose to actively take that path, the more established it becomes and the more snow filled your old path comes. you will get to a point where you find it difficult to swear (difficult to take your old path) hope this helps
Suggestion: To help us individually. make ourselves a cussing jar or account.

Each time a cuss word is said, you put a $1.00 (or however amount you chose) in your jar or savings acct.

The idea is sort of a reverse psychology for the behavior, so eventually, you'll get tired taking the time of putting money in the jar or savings account because of cussing.

pros: you'll stop cussing or make an honest effort to stop; you'll honor God by stopping the sin. You'll have a nice amount of change from cussing - financial pro

cons: you'll keep cussing but will have a nice amount of change from the cussing.

The idea is to not have to put in money in the jar because we have cussed.

My memory isn't so good but I think my mom didn't this with me and my sister when we were teenagers and I read that this guy did it. (I forgot where I read that from)

here is a link from ehow (they called it the swear jar) http://www.ehow.com/how_2068165_start-swear-jar.html
Suggestion: To help us individually. make ourselves a cussing jar or account.

Each time a cuss word is said, you put a $1.00 (or however amount you chose) in your jar or savings acct.

The idea is sort of a reverse psychology for the behavior, so eventually, you'll get tired taking the time of putting money in the jar or savings account because of cussing.

pros: you'll stop cussing or make an honest effort to stop; you'll honor God by stopping the sin. You'll have a nice amount of change from cussing - financial pro

cons: you'll keep cussing but will have a nice amount of change from the cussing.

The idea is to not have to put in money in the jar because we have cussed.

My memory isn't so good but I think my mom didn't this with me and my sister when we were teenagers and I read that this guy did it. (I forgot where I read that from)

here is a link from ehow (they called it the swear jar) http://www.ehow.com/how_2068165_start-swear-jar.html

One can think of this as 'Blood Money' and therefore be grieved to see it grow. 'Blood' meaning the Blood that Jesus shed for us so painfully to deliver us from sin.

The jar would surely be empty. :Rose:
I'm meaner :lachen::lachen:. I don't give a rat's tuchis it's not lady-like. My goal is to push it out after it's run its course. It was there for a reason and it practically served all its purpose. :lol: Yes, it's a habit. However, we should not necessarily stress over human habits, feeling fretful and without hope. Of course, repent, but when down for the count again, get back up and resolve to rise higher. That way, you make steps toward the goal. It's not the cursing that is the problem, actually, it's the emotion, control, anger, whatever behind it.:yep: That has to be conquered as well. Of course, as usual, I take the psychological approach in conjunction with scriptural mandates. After all, we are complex human beings and G-d is one big psychiatrist:lol:. Can you imagine!!!

:nono2: No more cable for you. Too much cursing goes on there. :look:

I agree; addressing the catalyst behind the cussing, the emotions that spew it forth. However, I can be angry and NOT cuss. Therefore it's a choice we make on how to deal with our emotions.

I suggest making a self made video when one curses. See oneself in that format. Not so pretty, not so tough, not so productive, most definitely not Christ.

Let the video be a picture to change.
Aren't substitutes the same thing, though? Looking at words, sounds, semantics...if said in the same spirit of a bunch of sounds that have become conventional cursing, it's the same thing...whatever is behind it, fueling babble.
Thanks ladies for your responses. Growing up in church, I would always hear "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thine sight..." I completely forgot about that. I will start quoting that to myself when I am thinking of profane words.

BTW, the second spanking that I remember receiving was about cursing. This is nothing new, but it really surfaced in school. I know it may seem like a small deal to some, but I really believe that this is the one area that's holding me back spiritually. Thanks for all of your responses.
i curse too, and i really hate it. i've been trying to stop for so long. i still pray about it though. it just takes time and practice. :)