I updated my fotki, can I claim SL


New Member
I think I am shoulder length, I mean, I feel my hair touching my shoulders, LOL. Check out my fotki, let me know what you think!!! My roots feel thivker from stretching, but my ends are looking thinner. So if Im shoulder length, Yay!!!! Let the partying Begin!!!!
Congrats on your growth!!! IMO, based on what I saw in your Fotki I wouldn't claim SL just yet...Please don't think I'm discouraging you!!! But I think you are definitely on your way to SL:yep:

I do think if it keeps you motivated to claim it...then by all means go for it!
You're just a tad bit above shoulder. You just need 1- 2 more inches. You're definitely going to be fully there within the next few months. I can feel your excitement. My hair is also just above shoulder length.

Great progress! Your hair is thriving :yep:
ITA with the other ladies!!! Your hair looks great, but you need another inch or two to be SL!!!! Keep doing what you're doing you'll be there soon!:yep:
Somehow I saw that coming....:lick: Thats okay. I can feel it near.:crossfingers: I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'll be there soon!!
Somehow I saw that coming....:lick: Thats okay. I can feel it near.:crossfingers: I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'll be there soon!!

You sure will....I know it may sound corny but it doesn't matter how long it takes you, as long as you get there!!!

Don't be overly concerned with the length of time..focus on the progress you're making and focus on just getting there!
I agree that you need a couple more inches. From looking at you fotki, you have made wonderful progress though! You'll be at SL in a minute:yep:.
I must be blind or something but I think she is...:perplexed The back of her hair is touching her shoulders...no?

It seems like its touching the base of her neck....but IMO SL means your ends are touching where your arm is connected at the socket...your shoulders. Where she has the red line saying "July 2008" seems to be about SL to me....IMO She's neck length :yep:
Your hair looks great girl! Don't worry too much about length. It will come in good time. Keep doing what you're doing. By next relaxer, you'll be SL!
It seems like its touching the base of her neck....but IMO SL means your ends are touching where your arm is connected at the socket...your shoulders. Where she has the red line saying "July 2008" seems to be about SL to me....IMO She's neck length :yep:

I see....:yep: