I updated my album again!!


New Member
Hello Ladies...on 6/4/06 i just got my hair cornrowed yesterday and i in my 8th month of transitioning..i plan getting my hair braided two more times this summer and then hopefully going to a natural stylist...sophia's sunflower salon..she specializes in "natural" hair to chop sum more relaxed hair off...my braider has a texturizer and was saying how good it would look if i had one...i told her i thought about it but..i still want all natural hair no CHEMICALs or anything i do think that texturizers and perms can be an alternate plan for sum im not knocking it.im no hater please believe but right now i feel like natural will work best for me not matter what the texture.im willing to learn how to manage and appreciate my hair.....i know i can ...obtain that..ithere are pics of my new braided style in my 8th month album so feel free to check it out..ttyl ..happy healthy growing ladies...feel free to check out my album my password is under my profile on here...
thankyou alli77 and blackcardinal..i appreciate ur comments greatly...lovely pics blackcardinal in the photo galleries..great transition...i only can hope for the same..happy healthy growing ladies..