I trimmed it myself...


New Member
Okay this morning I was combing my hair and the comb was snagging on the ends again! Sure sign of a needed trim, I know you couldn't see it Army, neither could my mom when I saw her this weekend, but I could feel it. Well, I gather my hair like I'm going to make a pontail, but I don't make the tail because the rubberband would have made me cut unevenly, I kind of just fan the ends out, put the scissors where I think I should cut and here the nice crunch of cutting ends.

Well, I cut off a little more than I wanted to, I cut an inch off, but only wanted to do a half an inch, but hey it was the back of my head. Good part is I did it very evenly for it being the back of my head! :clap: Unfortunately, this probably puts me a month & a half behind schedule, but maybe this will give me an incentive to actually take these expensive @ss vitamins I bought and only took consistently for two days!

I left my camera at work so I put the trimmed ends in a baggie and brought them to work to take a picture, here's the picture-->

You can see where my bottom finger is the scruffiness of the ends.
ms_kenesha said:
I left my camera at work so I put the trimmed ends in a baggie and brought them to work to take a picture, here's the picture-->

We aren't obsessed with our hair, uh-uh :rofl:

Anyway, I felt the same thing...comb snagging on the ends. It's so much easier to manage with a trim or dusting.

About the cutting off more than intended, I'm sorry, but remember it's going to grow back.
ms_kenesha said:
I left my camera at work so I put the trimmed ends in a baggie and brought them to work to take a picture


I am too through with you

You did great keeping it even, I can NEVER do that. I always end up with some type of slant. :ohwell:
Webby, Kaddy STOP JOKING ME :lol:

I was thinking that on my way to work, though. I was walking to the Metro like, am I hair obsessed? I mean I'm bring my trimmed hair to work :rofl:
Ms K. I'm jealous you hair is growing so much. :p I think you got me beat.

P.S. What type of digital camera do you have?
An inch??!! :naughty: You should have just gotten your fiance to do it... I'm SURE he would have known better than to cut off too much!! :whip:

Anyway I'm sure your ends are in nice shape now... it'll grow back in no time!! :grin:
Thanks although we're probably about equal with my trim and your trim. :)

I have an Aiptek Digicam/camcorder/MP3 player.

sunkissd said:
Ms K. I'm jealous you hair is growing so much. :p I think you got me beat.

P.S. What type of digital camera do you have?
Don't beat me. I just couldn't wait, the hair snagging in the comb thing was KILLING me! Next time I will let him or a professional do it, I promise :angel: My ends are in GREAT shape now, the comb is just gliding through :grin:

Lindy said:
An inch??!! :naughty: You should have just gotten your fiance to do it... I'm SURE he would have known better than to cut off too much!! :whip:

Anyway I'm sure your ends are in nice shape now... it'll grow back in no time!! :grin:
I'm not going to harrass you 'cause verybody else has but...the next time you get the desire to cut....Put the scissors down slowly...and walk away from the weapon!!!!!!....No RUN!!!!!!

Sorry that you cut more than you wanted but your hair grow soooo fast, it'll be back before you know it!!!!!
My husband hides the scissors in my house :perplexed .... no seriously :lol: . This is probably why I'm making progress.
Thanks BMD, I feel like you should have the attitude like okay, I cut it, but it'll come back. It almost has to be like an affirmation. I was reading in a magazine and it was saying if you're afraid that you'll never have any money that you should repeat the affirmation "I have all the money I will ever need", so "I have all the hair I will ever want"! :grin:

blkmaryland said:
I'm not going to harrass you 'cause verybody else has but...the next time you get the desire to cut....Put the scissors down slowly...and walk away from the weapon!!!!!!....No RUN!!!!!!

Sorry that you cut more than you wanted but your hair grow soooo fast, it'll be back before you know it!!!!!