I took the low manipulation too far


Well-Known Member
and I have tangles and knots galore. I'm losing so much hair. I'm stretching and I was underprocessed the last relaxer so you can say I have about 6 months worth of ng.

I got a little lazy with my hair and didn't wash it two weeks. Yes shame on me:look: And I didn't comb my hair in those weeks. I figured I'd only comb on wash one day. Bad move. I got so many knots and breakage and tangles.:sad: I guess you live and learn. My sides and nape broke off really badly and are growing back nicely but I'm scared this breakage is gonna set me back.

First off, with my super coarse strands I shouldnt have even stretched this long. 10 weeks is good enough for me. And even though I'm wearing a wig I need to comb every other day so that my hair won't knot and matt together.

Has this happened to anyone else?
that happened to me too. I didn't comb in a long time and A LOT of my hair broke off. It was a set back for me. Now i have mane n tail detangler and it really helps with stretching ant tangles and I have more patience with detangling. :)
Sorry to hear about the tangles and knots. I tried to wear a braid out for just 2 days without combing and the back of my head was crazy.

I learned that I don't have to comb everyday but I have to do something even if it's just finger combing with some moisturizer.

My hair in the back of my head tangles more than anywhere else so I have to be really gentle and careful that I never let it knot up.

I know it's frustrating, I've been there. Just continue to focus on maintaining the right amount of manipulation for your hair.

Good luck!
Sorry but that exactly why i don't understand the low manipulation. If i don't comb my hair it starts to break and fall ... and the knots OMG the knots! :(
I haven't been relaxed since lawd knows when and I never knew about stretching. Still I always gasped when people would tell me that they don't touch their new growth till they get to the stylist's coz they can't deal with it. I could never imagine not running a comb through my hair and wearing it out. So combing new growth was the norm for me. And I think the reason for this is I'd never leave my natural hair uncombed either...or go to bed w/o braiding it. So if I were stretching, I'd treat my new growth the same way I'd treat my natural hair: Keep it from getting tangled.

If I didn't braid it--which I honestly think would we my cop-out way of dealing with many months of stretching--I'd definitely use S Curl and baggy to keep it soft and comb-able. New growth is like natural hair...and if I am not using a comb, believe me I'm keeping it braided or twisted and detangling one section at a time thoroughly with my fingers so that I just about have strands standing alone.
First of All:hug3::

Girl, I learned quickly this summer while stretching, Low/No Manipulation doesn't work for me (I have thick coarse hair too).

I have to comb/finger comb or lightly brush 'daily' to remove shed hair.

I am starting my 14th week post and the SSK's are beginning to be a trip. And I have to keep my Hair Sufficiently Moisturized.

That's where Daily Conditioning and Weekly DC Treatments become my Best Friend around Week 8!:grin: I Have to UP everything.

You have to take your time. Use either Conditioner, Oil (or both), Use your fingers and begin detangling.

I also think we have to know how limit when it comes to Stretching. You don't want it to be Counterproductive to Your Hair Goals.

I wanted to go 18-20 this time, but determined today, I will end it at 16.:ohwell:

Keep Us Posted on How it Goes.
yes and i had to cut out 3 1nch wide pieces of my hair. that's a lot of hair. shooot

it dreaded at the root. oh well
ive definitely experienced the tangles. i though i had an obsession with my hand being in my hair all the time. But leaving it alone made me realize that my natural hair loves itself, and it will do it all it can to curl up into hugs and embraces all over my head.

you saw my last post i'm about 5 months post and whenever i get home i unconsciously send my hand to my hair and separate all that "togetherness"
wow sorry that happened.
my hair is thick and coarse as well but no/low manipulation works for me. i do know my limits. detangling takes a lot of time and patience, piece by piece in the shower. the ntm silk touch keeps it smooth until its time.
only when i got sick and couldn't deal with it did it dread up real bad.
right now my nape is dreaded up..so will work it tonight.
The trick to low manipulation is actually putting your hair away. I learned this after going natural and dealing w/tangles.

If you want to go days without combing, cornrow, twist or braid your hair in sections or rows and then the shed hair will not create a problem when you take it out. You will still lose that shed hair but you'll only lose the shed hair and not experience any breakage (as long as your protein & moisture balance is kept up). I wear my hair in twists for days under my wig as my normal routine now and when I'm ready to wear my hair out, I have no problems.
I have never gone more than a day without combing or brushing my hair unless it was braided or twisted. I am rocking braid outs right now and have learned that fingering combing with moisturizer is a great way to detangle my hair and still keep the curls. It has kept my thick hair from tangling even with my new growth.
Oy vey...you have to find YOUR tolerance level and it's difficult when you have two textures. Personally, I can't go too low manipulation or I would get serious tangling, but I keep my hair plaited so no probs. Removing shed hair is key! Shed hairs unmoved MAKES tangles, knots, and dreds! If you have two textures, you seriously have to invest in a good leave in and carefully do whatever you need to detangle as often as is good for your hair.

Unfortunatly a seriously low/no mainpulation reggie can end up giving you dreds at the root and much futher. OP, you got off LUCKY!
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Yess this has definitely has happened to me.

When I first joined the site, I immediately jumped on the no/low manipulation bandwagon. I was at least four weeks into my stretch before I realized I was in trouble. My hair was so tangled and knotted and some of my hair came out. I thought I had did something wrong until I did a search on this board. I found out that the are other members here that tried no combing or no manipulation and it did not work for them.

Now, I make sure I comb my hair every other day :yep:. I still believe I am on a low manipulation regimen but I don't go without combing my hair. I am six months into my stretch and I cowash and DC weekly to decrease tangles.
that happened to me too. I didn't comb in a long time and A LOT of my hair broke off. It was a set back for me. Now i have mane n tail detangler and it really helps with stretching ant tangles and I have more patience with detangling. :)

I was thinking of buying that.

ive definitely experienced the tangles. i though i had an obsession with my hand being in my hair all the time.

I have this problem too. especially when I'm stretching. I can't stop touching the new growth.

wow sorry that happened.
my hair is thick and coarse as well but no/low manipulation works for me. i do know my limits. detangling takes a lot of time and patience, piece by piece in the shower. the ntm silk touch keeps it smooth until its time.
only when i got sick and couldn't deal with it did it dread up real bad.
right now my nape is dreaded up..so will work it tonight.

I wish I could stretch as long you can. Seems like 3 months is the limit for me.

The trick to low manipulation is actually putting your hair away. I learned this after going natural and dealing w/tangles.

If you want to go days without combing, cornrow, twist or braid your hair in sections or rows and then the shed hair will not create a problem when you take it out. You will still lose that shed hair but you'll only lose the shed hair and not experience any breakage (as long as your protein & moisture balance is kept up). I wear my hair in twists for days under my wig as my normal routine now and when I'm ready to wear my hair out, I have no problems.

Oy vey...you have to find YOUR tolerance level and it's difficult when you have two textures. Personally, I can't go too low manipulation or I would get serious tangling, but I keep my hair plaited so no probs.

At firts I was conrowing my hair into 6 braids but I still ended up with knots. I dont know why. I plan on combing/detangling every other day and see how it goes.

Look at how much hair I lost today and I lost a good amount yesterday too. :sad: I really feel like giving up sometimes.


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That happened to me in February.
I was 10 weeks post, and decided that I wasn't going to manipulate my hair AT ALL for two weeks. No washing, no combing. Just tying my hair in a scarf and wearing a low ponytail. I baggied my whole head at night, and smoothed the hair in the front every few days with a boar bristle brush, but that was it.

By the time I got to wash day, I wanted to cry. :nono: Knots and dreads and all kinds of madness going on in there.
I didn't lose very much hair, thank goodness. Or rather, thank EVOO, a K-Cutter, and a sewing needle.
But I will never ever try that mess again. No manipulation is not for everyone.
You are me! This happened to me as well, I stretched for 6 months and hardly brushed my hair and I had tons of tangles and my nape and back of my head broke off so much and I only have natural hair there now which is about 3 inches. It dreaded all at the root and broke off. The knots were ridiculous and now Im feeling discouraged.
loca I know this is against conventional wisdom, but when you put your hair up (braids, weaves, wigs) you must be super careful about what's going on "underneath". Many weave disasters happen due to massive tangling underneath.
You are me! This happened to me as well, I stretched for 6 months and hardly brushed my hair and I had tons of tangles and my nape and back of my head broke off so much and I only have natural hair there now which is about 3 inches. It dreaded all at the root and broke off. The knots were ridiculous and now Im feeling discouraged.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm feeling discouraged too but keep pressing on. At least we know better now.

loca I know this is against conventional wisdom, but when you put your hair up (braids, weaves, wigs) you must be super careful about what's going on "underneath". Many weave disasters happen due to massive tangling underneath.

Thanks jamaraa.

I know you need to detangle before you wash but I just didnt expect to have so many tangles. I'm glad I know better now. I will not stretch longer than 3 months and I will detangle more often.